Happy 1 week post-op
I've been gone so long I'd forgotten my log in, but finally remembered it this evening.
Had the RNY last Monday in Seattle at the UW Medical Center. Everyone there took great care of me.
Uneventful recovery after, no nausea or vomiting, but hiccups at 3am & my daughter making me laugh were worse than I'd expected. Came home last Wednesday & still haven't had nausea/vomiting. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Congratulations! Glad it's going so well. I'm at about two weeks--so far, smooth sailing!

Angela, RNY 12/14/16, Frye Surgical Weight Loss
"I've got friends, and I've got family. I've got help from all the people who love me." --Mavis Staples
Thanks! glad you're doing so well, too.
Since I'm sore, but not hurting a lot, I've only taken 2 of my oxycodones; 1 on the day I came home, & 1 the next evening. The liquid pain reliever they sent home with me does the trick.
Thanks everybody!
Got great news this morning! Nurse from my surgeon's office called to check on me. After we went over everything I asked about driving myself to my primary Dr on Thursday since I'm just sore but not taking the oxycodone I came home with.
I'm clear to do a trial run out to the P.O. to mail out my late Christmas cards. If I'm not hurting from that little jaunt then I'm cleared to drive! This is HUGE, not being able to drive is hell for me. When my daughter was 6 she said when I got too old to drive safely she'd build an alligator pond & throw my keys in it. We were living in FL then so alligators, & dangerous driving by old people were a fixture in her life. What she couldn't know at 6 was that I'd wrestle the alligators for my keys.