VSG to RNY Scheduled for 12/27
Hi Everyone!
It's been some time since I've been on here, but wanted to post that I'm having revision surgery on 12/27. I had VSG 2/2014 and developed bile reflux over the last several months; in addition to gaining about 20lbs. After several tests, the only fix is to do a complete revision to Bypass.
It's very different this time, I felt so prepared with my sleeve, and I don't with bypass. I cannot do to the two week pre-op diet, as my surgeon did not want me to lose any more weight (BMI is presently 30), and only has me doing liquids the day prior to surgery.
Anyone else having surgery the week after Christmas? Please send positive thoughts my way!
on 12/21/16 11:02 am
I was originally scheduled for LoopDS surgery (sleeve and moving the connection further down). I was excited about the prospects of everything that the doctor told me and what I read. About 6 weeks prior to surgery I had an endoscopy which determined I had reflux. I was then change to RNY.
The funny thing of what I read, one of the best things about LoopDS was no dumping! Then when I read about RNY one of the best things was the dumping! It made perfect sense. Dumping is like Pavlov's Dog. We learn not to "test" the wrong things because it will make us sick!
I'm 2 months in now. NO complications or issues. I'm now very thrilled that I ended up with RNY! I feel great and I think you will too!!
Hi! Following your story. I had VSG 5-10-10 and never had reflux before surgery. Over the last several months I have developed severe reflux. I am scheduled for surgery 1-17-17. He is doing a partical gastrectomy (top of my sleeve was abnormal in shape and size) and then a bypass.
I have put on between 20-25 pounds over the last year. The only foods that help are comfort foods and are loaded with carbs.
I choke on bile in my sleep, it has been progressively worse.
Counting down the days. You are just around the corner!
Let's please keep in touch.
Merry Christmas!

VSG: 5-10-10, Dr. Aceves, Mexicali; RNY: 1-17-17, Dr. Snyder, Houston
VSG SW 180, LW 118; RNY SW 150, GW 120