Getting ready to start process
Hi I'm new and getting ready to start the bypass process. Met with Dr today and I am waiting for referral for the classes. I am wanting to start looking into the preop diet now to get accustomed to the food choices and limits I'd really like some feed back from you all. I have food allergies to coconut, bananas and strawberries so please share recipes and suggestions for me.
I was a lot like you and wanted to get myself into the habit of the diet. I pretty much ate like someone that was post-op. I cut out all sugar and carbonated drinks. I also ate protein forward, i.e. meat/protein first, then non-starchy veggies, no bread. I lost 41 pounds between the first consult on 9/7 and surgery on 11/28.
Each surgeons pre-op and post-op restrictions are different, but most surgeons require two weeks of liquids pre-op. Then, post-op, you will go through stages of clear liquids, full liquids, pureed foods, soft foods, then normal texture foods. My surgeon's post-op regimen is one week clear, two full, one puree, two soft, then on to normal foods.
He also suggests that you stay away from any foods with skins and seeds, but your surgeon may be different. You will want to take notes during the seminar/classes, and you will learn a lot.
Hope this helps!

"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me." --Carol Burnett
I'm working towards a revision to a bypass....but I started the process much the same way as others have said. I started seeing the doctor, met with the dietician, changed my eating habits....started practicing things like good water intake, a vitamin schedule, and moving more. I also started researching recipes, cookbooks, ways to make myself healthy meals. I'm trying to arm myself with as much info as possible. I'm actually reading WLS for dummies right now, it sounds silly but it's full of great information and was recommended by multiple people as a good guide into learning about what will become the rest of your life.
There's a fellow WLS person here who does a really good blog full of awesome information - The World According to Eggface
Here's the link:
There's all sorts of things there...resources, links, recipes. She's got boards and boards of WLS friendly recipes on Pinterest.
Good luck, post to people, make's a great supportive group!

Banded: 9/14/06
Band Removal: 3/15/17
Revision to RNY: 6/21/17!!!
I'd be unstoppable if not for law enforcement & physics
Congratulations on putting yourself first.
I also wanted to be prepared and begin eliminating everything that you can not have post RNY
I stopped carbonated everything. This was very hard as I really enjoyed Coke Zero.
I stopped drinking coffee & teas with caffeine.
I found decaffienated coffee didn't sit well in my stomach, so I switched to decaffienated tea instead. I find it's warmth soothing.
I stopped using NSAIDS (Motrin/Advil/ibuprophen).
I started tracking my protein intake and tried to have between 60-120 daily.
I stopped junk food completely. Chips are gone and Ibam still crying the blues.
I really focused on drinking at least 2-3 litres a water a day.
This was not hard because I love drinking water.
Portion control is key. Making good food choices.
I guess I really wanted to continue normal food because I knew that there would be a mass change in choices post RNY.
Quite honestly... I had not given up everything...
Still enjoyed my bagels with cream cheese.
I was never a pasta lover and I am Italian! I know crazy!
I am really going to miss a nice juicy burger
I love oriental or anything Asian it's my go to!
My last dinner before Optifast was Asian. So yummy!
My love for General Tao's Chicken & Love for rice will most certainly gonna break my heart post RNY.
Not a big drinker. That was easy!
My RNY is January 4th
I am currently Day 8 of Optifast-
Definitely not very happy.
I have been trying to eat without drinking for 30 minutes.
That is my biggest challenge.
I am a bit worried about the sip sip sip of water or any liquids post RNY.
Still not sure a big a swallow it should be post RNY.
Everyone here will tell you to track everything either on paper or Lose it or My Fitness Pal
Take a picture of your self now in a door way and continue to do so during your journey.
If you can... Come back here daily. The gang here are amazing, informative and supportive!
Roux En Y - Jan. 4, 2017
HW 283 SW 260 CW 165