Support Group
"Broken Soldiers Marching On" might make a good title for summing up last night's support group meeting-- an evening hearing new health struggles. It is the Holidays, joy should be in the air, yet it felt like we were sitting there as the misfits-of-the-world desperately trying to hold on to some degree of normalcy WLS gave us.
on 12/13/16 6:54 am
I feel we all are misfits. Well at least for myself I am. I don't think it is a bad thing. Before WLS I would gain 20 to 25 pounds every year and say after the holidays are over I will start taking care of myself.
Now it is one meal at a time. Trying to make good choices. Not just at Christmas life can be challenging daily. Life is not always easy. But my life is so much better now that I had WLS. Also looking at the health benefits not just the vanity of it.
Last night I found myself longing to be able to eat a very large meal. As I sat thinking about that, it occurred to me just how skewed that thinking is. Who dreams of eating to excess anyway? Until you feel sick? For me, the desire comes from watching my family (over) indulge at holiday events. It seems to make them happy, a least in the moment. In that regard, I am a misfit.

on 12/13/16 2:02 pm, edited 12/13/16 6:02 am
I've gone to mine every month since I made the decision to do this (April) and 60% of the content is great. However, that other 40% is brutal - terrible speakers or whining. It mostly comes from two individuals. I'm sorta thankful when they skip, but they probably need the group the most. Man last week was "Are you telling me that I'll never be able to eat Garrett's popcorn again - that is unacceptable. How can you live life without Garrett's." Garrett's is a trigger food for me and certainly I'd like to eat some, but really make a choice here. Go either to your goal or away, but stop b..tching about it. For the hour meeting I think we talked about Garrett's for 10 minutes. But overall I think the meetings are pretty good and helpful.