What's on your menu today (Tuesday) RNYers?
Hello menu peeps! It's been lightly raining off and on and about 80 degrees for the last couple of days. I think it's supposed to cool off again later this week and then warm up again. Gotta love Texas weather!
QOTD: My parents always did pretty good with presents but what I really remember was every year my Grandmother would have me and my brother pick out what we wanted from the Big Sears catalog! We couldn't wait to get over to her house to see what all we got! She usually got us every single thing we picked out! There were some things we didn't expect to get but sure enough, it would be there!
Food: Premier protein, chop steak patty, tuna, ribs.

Sleeved 8/1/16
HW 285 / SW 276 / GW 160
on 12/13/16 10:20 am
When I was really little I wanted a sister SOOOO badly. I was thumbing through the Sears catalogs and asked if we could get one of the kids! Haha, I never did get that sibling...
Hahaha too funny! I just heard a funny...messed up...but funny story on the radio the other morning from a person who called in (Almost Same topic). She said when she was bad, her Dad would threaten to trade her in for another kid in the Sears catalog! He would say "go get the catalog" hahaha! It's so wrong but so funny because EVERYBODY can remember the kids in the catalog
on 12/13/16 8:08 am
Good morning everyone!
It's day one of week 3 for me and the sweetness of the protein shakes is becoming too much. The past few days I've been trying to keep it to two shakes and getting the rest of my protein needs from real food. It's been going well and as expected the dense proteins are much more enjoyable. I've been trying not to obsess over the scale this early out but I record my weight every Monday and yesterday I saw 297.1 so I'm inching closer to my dare-to-dream goal of losing 100 lbs before the end of the year.
QOTD My most memorable Christmas morning as a child was also waking up to a doll house but it was one that our parents had made for my sister and I. For weeks before Christmas we would go to bed at night and shortly thereafter hear banging downstairs in the basement, we weren't old enough to realize what was happening but Christmas morning it all made sense as we found the coolest doll house we had ever seen! I remember it had little bits and pieces just like our actual house did, they had used leftover bits of carpet from our bedrooms and fabric like the living room curtains. Looking back it would have been so much work but it was amazing and we loved it. In my teenage years I remember going into my parents room to get the wrapping paper box from under their bed. Now I knew that their room was off limits before Christmas but I just needed some paper surely mom didn't hide presents in such an obvious place.... wrong. When I looked under the bed to get the box I saw the coolest hockey bag (I was one of those hockey playing Canadian girls) and I was sooo excited. I wasn't one to snoop but seeing this gift had me really excited. That was until Christmas morning when it was given to my sister and the one I got was decidedly less cool. That reaffirmed my desire to never know in advance what my gifts might be.
B - turkey
L - chicken
D - shrimp (haven't tried this yet but I'm really looking forward to it)
S - 2 protein drinks throughout the day with decaf coffee and water
Totals: 444 cal, 93g protein, 4g carbs
Good morning Daisy and the rest of you menu'ers. I am a little tired this morning because my flight was delayed from Oakland, and I ended up getting home late. I had to get in to work early, because my boss assigned a job to me that had to be done by 9:00am. He assigned it last night. While I was in flight. Augh!
Cold a foggy here in Portland this morning. There is snow in the forecast for 3 days starting tomorrow. The forecasters are all over the place on how much to expect. So, Portland being Portland, we could get anywhere from zero to 8 inches. I am in wait and see mode. I will be taking my laptop home tonight, just in case.
I got on the scale this morning and was not a happy girl. I am at the "Panic" number on the scale, to it is a buckle down day for me. I have a lunch meeting, so that is up in the air, but likely a salad with some kind of protein.
QOTD: When I was around five years old, I really wanted a Chatty Cathy for Christmas (for those of you that are too young, Chatty Cathy was the first doll that talked). I was so excited to open my Santa present and find out it was the doll. My reaction was an estatic, "I knew I would get a Chatty Cathy. I just knew it!" That response became family folk lore that, to this day, still means the happy fulfillment of a wish. I loved that doll until the day one of my brothers took it apart to see how it worked. I still give him a hard time about that.
Time Since Surgery: 2 years
B: Egg Beaters, bacon and mozzarella omelette
S: 1 oz dry salami and string cheese
L: ?? Probably a salad w/chicken
S: 1 oz. dry salami and string cheese
D: 3 oz porchetta
Totals without lunch: Calories 693, Carbs 8, Protein 60
Have a great day everyone, and stay warm!

Height: 5'7". HW: 299, Program starting weight: 290, SW: 238, CW 138 - 12 pounds under goal!