What's on your menu today (Tuesday) RNYers?

on 12/13/16 9:54 am
VSG on 05/12/14

Good morning.  DQOTD:  We are Jewish so don't celebrate Christmas, although Santa always left a gift for us for Christmas morning.  A christmas memory that always makes me laugh involves my friend Jeff and his mother.  I like to say that outside of my immediate family, Jeff was the first human I ever met, and one of my oldest friends.  growing up we would always go to his house for Christmas Day dinner.  That tradition continued into adulthood.  Jeff is a plastic surgeon, and he did his residency on the East Coast, so there were a few years when he couldn't make it back to California for Christmas.  It never failed, we would all be there for dinner, he would call to wish all of us a Merry Christmas and the smoke alarm would be going off.  Every.Year.   It got to the point that when we answered the phone, he wouldn't say "Hi" or "Merry Christmas" but would say "what's on fire."  

SQOTD:  So can you ingest calories from Christmas Cookies by osmosis?  I baked on Sunday Oatmeal, cranberry, white chocolate chip cookies and Peanut Butter balls.  I ate 1/2 of each type of cookie and my weight is up 1.3 lbs.  WTH????  Seriously, everything else has been on plan except for the 1 cookie.  UGH.

My plan:

B: Deli sliced ham (3 oz); 1/4 cup garbanzo beans (fiberfest is still in progress)

L: Chicken thigh meat (3.3 oz); pinto beans

D: Meatloaf, Broccoli

S: Skinny vanilla latte; Sliced turkey

potentially no exercise for me.  I did something to my foot at the run on Saturday so I want to give it a rest (I did TRX yesterday, because it's very low impact.) However, the 1.3 lbs is messing with my mind and I feel like I need to workout to get rid of it.  Mind games suck.

Totals: Cal: 730 (I'm totally going to get yelled at for this total, but what can you do; Protein: 73g; Fat: 22g; Carbs: 56g (damn beans)



Queen JB
on 12/13/16 10:32 am
RNY on 07/20/15

Yep, I am about 1000% sure that we can gain weight from osmosis. I have not stayed exactly on plan because I have had to eat out more than I usually do because of the move...but I swear that (apart from the disastrous night of wine and cookies), I have been pretty damn good. But the scale is being super *****y and I am fitting really nicely into my fat pants this morning. WTH. 

Congrats on getting back to racing! I am so proud of your commitment. I wish I had the motivation to get back to it... 

  • High Weight before LapBand: 200 (2008)
  • High Weight before RNY: 160 (2015)
  • Lowest post-op weight: 110 (2016)
  • Maintenance Weight: 120 (2017-2019)
  • Battling Regain Weight: 135 (current)

on 12/13/16 10:51 am
VSG on 05/12/14

The scale is a *****y ***** And I'm convinced I ingest calories through osmosis.  Saturday I did the 6 mile run then walked an additional 7 MILES; I didn't eat a single bad thing at my surgeon's house . . . had a salmon burger there and a piece of salmon and salad for dinner and I'm up over a pound.  *****y ***** I tell ya!.

And this weekend's race was definitely more a fun run than anything else and, to be honest, if I hadn't run into my surgeon who told me to run with him, I probably would have passed.  I workout (running included) out of fear (and because I'm a little mental).  I know my plan is pretty good, but I'm so afraid of backsliding that I need the gym as a bit of an insurance policy.  For me, fear is a great motivator!

on 12/13/16 10:07 am
RNY on 06/03/15

why did I move to this northern frozen icebox???  It is freezing here - and about to get worse!  I've never been a fan of extreme temps (on either end), but now without my insulation, this is unbearable!!

QOTD:  as I mentioned above, ice skates for sure.  I really don't remember many things I got - but I do remember those wonderful Christmas Eves we spent with my mother's family in Ohio.


18 months out:


B:  coconut Greek yogurt with fresh raspberries and 1 T Kashi Crunch granola

S:  SF protein/mocha/Miralax latte, coffee with half & half

L:  cottage cheese and Moon Drop grapes

D:  leftover homemade chicken tikka masala over cauliflower rice


probably another Greek yogurt or chai tea latte if I can work in the calories


exercise - none - it's too freaking cold to go out!!

RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163

CJ On Orcas
on 12/13/16 10:48 am, edited 12/13/16 2:48 am
RNY on 09/09/16

Good moning Daisy and gang...

Daisy what an adorable memory.  Too cute!

QOTD:  I got a Chatty Cathy doll when I was 6.  Had a pull string at her neck that made her talk.  Oh I loved that doll.  We were also into Barbies and had all the accessories, but Chatty Cathy was the doll to have.

B:  Fairlife with coffee, greek yogurt

L:  cottage cheese with hot sauce

D:  Salad with fish

S:  babybel cheese, Syntrax fuzzy navel 

We have been snowed in for days now.  Hoping to finally get out and back to normal here...

Patty R.
on 12/13/16 3:44 pm - Harrisville, RI
RNY on 09/08/16

I had a Chatty Cathy too!

on 12/13/16 11:52 am
RNY on 06/21/17

Good afternoon everyone!  

Overcast and chilly here but then I'm usually always chilly - ever since my thyroid decided to be a lazy freeloader I have trouble temperature regulating and I seem to run cold, so today is for warm comfortable clothes indeed.  We're on the go as usual, errands to run and we woke up to a busted microwave this morning so I'll need to do something about that.  We have a home warranty, thankfully, so I'll need to file a claim and get someone out to look at it.  

QOTD:  I remember the Christmas my sister and I got our cabbage patch dolls -they matched our hair/eye color and we loved them.  Mine was named Cora Irene, and my sister's was named Dagmar Adamina.  We always wondered about the origin of the name for hers.   

B: homemade greek yogurt with protein granola

S: hardboiled egg

L: chicken salad

S: tbd

D: Leftover kalua pork/green beans

Hope everyone is having a great day!


Banded: 9/14/06

Band Removal: 3/15/17

Revision to RNY: 6/21/17!!!

I'd be unstoppable if not for law enforcement & physics

(deactivated member)
on 12/13/16 1:34 pm

This is one thing I do every year. Even now. I forget that I bought stuff and wonder where it is. When they were little my husband would throw it in the bushes and say look what Santa forgot to bring in the house. 

I still have a Rolling Stones cd I bought for my daughter and can't find it. 

on 12/13/16 3:02 pm, edited 12/13/16 7:02 am
RNY on 12/29/14

This looks like a great thread to have been a more involved participant in!

So much to do today--including some kid emergencies (wire on the 12-yr-old's braces came out and was actually sticking in a loop out of the lips, and college daughter having a lot of stress over finals).  It's already 4 pm here, but I am posting anyway, in keeping with my goal of posting each day.

Today I am fasting for religious reasons, so I will not be eating until dinner.

D:  Italian ground beef with tomato sauce and mozzarella.  Grape Tomatoes.  Brocolli.

S:  Home-baked parmesan crisps

Happy 12 sleeps left.  YAAAAARGH!  I had better finish my shopping pronto, so I don't lose the sleeps right before Christmas.


I love the memory of the carrots with teeth marks.  Adorable parents.

on 12/13/16 5:54 pm - Middletown, CT
VSG on 09/28/16

Hi everyone,

QOTD: I remember getting a really cool red Tonka dump truck. Back then they were real rugged and made out metal. My father took a picture of me sitting in the dump part of it but I lost track of it a few years back. I was probably all of 3 years old.

B: 1 egg, 1 egg white, 1oz lean brisket and 2 oz unsweetened appplesauce

L: 1.5 oz low sodium turkey breast, 1oz low sodium black forest ham, 1/4C low fat cottage cheese

S: 1 oz prosciutto

D: 2 oz top sirloin steak, 1/4C sautéed spinach, 5 pickled mushrooms

S: ff chobani yogurt

Cals:725, Carbs: 24, Fat:24, Protein: 96

Have a good night everyone!

5'5" HW: 484, SW: 455,CW: 325

Surgeon, Darren Tishler
