What's on your Menu today (Tuesday) RNYers?

on 11/22/16 7:29 am
RNY on 11/21/14

Yes! Dual iPhones. You described me exactly. iPhone addict twinsies!

 Height: 5'7".  HW: 299, Program starting weight: 290, SW: 238, CW 138 - 12 pounds under goal!  


on 11/22/16 5:29 am
RNY on 02/19/16

Good Morning Daisy and Menu Friends!

Daisy, I'm so sorry Amy's lump was cancerous, but SO thankful you found it early and that the vet was able to remove all of it!  I've read that 1 out of 3 dogs get cancer.  My dearest, beloved Buddy died a year ago at age 14 from cancer.  Here is a picture of my Buddy.  He is wearing a flexible cone around his neck to keep him from licking a cancerous wound on his elbow.

My other beloved dog, Dolly, went into the vet's while I was in the hospital having my RNY surgery and died the day I got home from the hospital before I could get in to see her.  She was 15 years old and died from Mega-esophagus.  She was such a cutie.  She was half ****er spaniel, with some chihuahua and dachshund in her.


As you all know, we already have two more fur babies that we adore, Blossom & Tippy.


QOTD:  I don't own a cell phone, I only have a land line.  I am at home most of the time so I really can't justify the expense of a cell phone.  There are times I do wish I had one, though, like when traveling, or if I'm at the store and want to call my daughter and ask her about buying something.  But most of the time I'm content to be my old-fashioned cell-phone-less self.  

My menu for today:

B:  Crepe w/ fresh strawberries, cream cheese, cool whip

L:  Lettuce, spinach, 2 h.b. eggs, bacon, cheese, low cal dressing

D:  Progresso Chicken w/ wild rice soup

S:  Light n Fit Greek yogurt

S:  Moon cheese or Mr. Cheese O's

Exercise:  Walking the dogs around the subdivision

Have a WONDERFUL day everyone!  Stay warm!

~ Karen  

on 11/22/16 6:44 am
RNY on 08/30/16

Beautiful pups. So sorry for your loss.

RNY: 8/30/2016, Consult Wt: 263 lbs, Surgery Wt: 243 lbs, Current Wt: (3/8/17) 166 lbs, Goal Wt: 150 lbs

M1: -26 lbs, M2: -10 lbs, M3: -9 lbs, M4: -16 Lbs, M5: -12 lbs, M6: -4 lbs,

on 11/22/16 7:05 am
RNY on 08/11/14

Sorry about your loss of your four-legged babies.

RNY 8/11/14 with Dr. Kelvin Higa PS Lipectomy 4/12/17 with Dr. John Burnett HW291.4/CW165/GW150

on 11/22/16 8:14 am
RNY on 02/19/16

Thanks achelle and Emiepie!  We were very blessed to have them for a good long time.  It's just too bad dogs's lives are so short.

on 11/22/16 11:40 am

Awe Budd and Dolly were beautiful . Sorry for your loss ð?'? 

on 11/22/16 5:40 am

Good morning everyone .  I am finally feeling better now two more are hit in my house.  Praying for them to feel better before Thanksgiving.  Daisy glad to hear they could get all of the tumor.  


QOTD- No I am not addicted to my phone.  I always have my phone with me because my children drive and if they need me I want to be able to answer.  


Time since surgery 8 months 165 this morning. 


B- 1/2 scrambled egg

L- 2 oz Chicken with balsamic dressing 

D- 2 oz. Ribeye 

S- Protein shake 


I hope everyone has a fantabulous day. 

Surgery date March 4, 2016

S.W 309.8

C.W. 143.2

"Oh give thanks to the Lord for he is good!"

Insert Fitness
on 11/22/16 5:42 am

Morning everyone!

Hope Amy is in the clear daisy!

met with a dietitian at the clinic yesterday. Pretty much as I expected. You're doing great, but should increase your carbs. But I have to say her advice was much more practical with regard to portion sizes for post ops, compared to others. And she wasn't pushing bread and crackers. More like, add a couple of tablespoons of barley here or there. Also suggested adding more fruit. I'll be honest, I'm not going to do that right now. I'm losing at a decent pace, and my blood work is good. 

She did get in my head a bit though when she reiterated that based on my starting weight, that statistically, they'd expect my weight to settle somewhere between 290-230. that was kind of scary, and I'm working on shaking that off.

qotd: I have an iPhone 6. I'm on it or my iPad a lot, but not around other people. Unless it's phone time. Like my sisters were over on Sunday for cards and dinner. After the dishes were cleared, someone declares phone time and we can whip out or phones without being rude haha


B:chocolate protein shake with pb2

L: tbd a friend might come over, so I'll have to see what I have. Not sure she's up for splitting a can of tuna haha

D chicken and cauliflower fried rice

have a great day everyone!

RNY Sept 8, 2016

M1:23, M2 :18, M3 :11, M4 :19, M5: 13, M6: 12, M7: 17, M8: 11, M9: 11.5, M10: 13, M11: 10, M12: 10 M13 : 7.6, M14: 6.9, M15: 6.7


on 11/22/16 6:05 am

I would not go by their weight guidelines. If I did- I would weigh 180 pounds and not under my personal goal. you should dictate what you need to weigh, not them. Just keep moving on...

HW 305 SW 278 Surgery weight 225 GW 160 LW: 118.8

RNY 12/15/2015,

GB removal 09/2016,

Twisted bowel/hernia repair 08/2017

M1 Dec 2015-13.0, M2-7.0, M3-14.5, M4-9.4, M5-7.1, M6 9.8, M7-7.6 ,M8- 7.6, M-9 5.5, M10-6.4, M11- 2.2, M12 Dec 2016- 5.8

Insert Fitness
on 11/22/16 7:10 am

Thanks! I didn't say anything, but I was thinking I know a lot of people on here who keep going... and I'm only 2.5 months out, and already at the top of their range! 

Ill just keep chugging along!

RNY Sept 8, 2016

M1:23, M2 :18, M3 :11, M4 :19, M5: 13, M6: 12, M7: 17, M8: 11, M9: 11.5, M10: 13, M11: 10, M12: 10 M13 : 7.6, M14: 6.9, M15: 6.7


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