What's on the Menu today (Wednesday) RNYers?

on 10/26/16 5:02 pm - GTA, Ontario, Canada
RNY on 11/15/13

I am glad you are part of our menu family Yvonne, and I hope you will be around for years to come. Its wonderful that you have made online friends as well!

Great menu!! Keep up the great work!

on 10/26/16 6:46 am, edited 10/25/16 11:47 pm - DC
RNY on 12/16/13

Awwww Daisy - you are so sweet!  I literally had just opened up an email from AnnyBananny and then saw your post giving us a shout out!  I also have loved being in touch with you all these years (are we really coming up on three years?!?!) and your enthusiasm is just infectious.  You definitely give back every day with your optimistic advice and at times, tough love.  You are a success story - someone who has changed her life and done the hard work required to maintain a new lifestyle and fight the daily battle - and many, many, many people can learn from you.  I love your post-op pics with your beaming smile!  

I came to OH because I decided to have RNY and didn't know a single person who had had WLS.  I had never taken part in an online forum of people for anything before, but I quickly realized I could ask questions here and have knowledgeable people answer.  The menu thread helped me immensely early on.  And so many people on this site have contributed to my success - you, AnnyBananny, DodgerGirl, NYMom, LauraInTexas, and more!  Grim was a HUGE inspiration to me, because I (like many people) wondered if I would be the one person surgery wouldn't work on, and when I saw Grim's awesome weight loss in his signature line, I remember thinking "can I really do this?".  And having been able to meet up with Grim and Julia and Cyndy and Anny and other folks has really been wonderful :)  I am grateful for the advice I have received on this site on losing weight, maintaining my 180 lb loss, and plastic surgery.  I know I post a lot less often these days, since life is now my new normal.  

Time Since Surgery: Almost 3 years!

B: Egg salad on crackers

L: Salad with turkey, cheese, olives, snow peas, cucumbers, and sriracha ranch dressing

D: Cheese ravioli with pesto and salmon

E: Elliptical at the gym

Have a great day, everyone!

on 10/26/16 7:56 am
RNY on 08/21/12

What about Heidi? You never thank her. I think she's been hurt.

6'3" tall, male.

Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.

M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.

on 10/26/16 5:18 pm - GTA, Ontario, Canada
RNY on 11/15/13

thanks beautiful for your kinds words... I am so serious when I say that you and Anny were such a pivotal part of my WLS journey. You and I are basically a month apart, we love the same flavors of food, and I loved how nice and positive and supportive you were when you moderated the menu board and I said "I want to be just like her" NO JOKE, you can ask my hubby I talked about you all the time, you were and still are a huge part of my motivation to come here and do this, help, talk about my life and show pictures that are very private to me of me & my husband and dogs because I want people to see what WLS has done for me and the amazing life I am living now!

Your answer its like you stole that from my mind... I too was blown away by Grim's success and I always looked for his posts!  I swear there was many a night I cried myself to sleep thinking "I WILL be that girl that this surgery did not work, and I will totally mess up and I will have to quit OH because I am a failure" but I had you and Anny and all the other gals we used to have posting back then (how is DodgerGirl btw??) to help me so thank you, all of you!

And see yet again I LOVE your menu (minus pesto, I can't get down with pesto, sorry LOL) love your lunch idea!

Keep up the amazing work, be happy with that gorgeous man & kiddos, I am over the moon happy that you are where you are now in life.  

Love ya girl 

on 10/26/16 7:04 am
VSG on 08/01/16

Mornin menu crew! No cold weather here. Supposed to be about 86 today. It does feel good in the evening though. 

QOTD: I found this site back in 2004 while researching WLS after a friend had a revision from lap band to RNY. I lurked around reading everyone's success stories and issues. Boy were there a lot if issues back then! It was neat because peoples profiles were decorated and people logged daily journals. For me, WLS was just a pipe dream. Well, here I am now and I kind of thought after I had surgery I wouldn't really need to stay around because I had already learned so much. I was completely wrong! This site isn't just about learning the do's and don'ts. This surgery messes with your head. The loss of food is more difficult than I ever imagined!  There is no other place offers the support that we receive here! It's the support, community, and family like atmosphere that keeps me coming back. 

B - Unjury chicken soup flavored protein

L - Steak

S - cheese or yogurt

D - Shrimp or tuna


Sleeved 8/1/16

HW 285 / SW 276 / GW 160



on 10/26/16 5:28 pm - GTA, Ontario, Canada
RNY on 11/15/13

nice on the high 80s, jealous!  wow you have been here on OH for a long time!!! I can only imagine the things you have read and seen and heard on here!  It kind of fascinates me that you have learned so much over the years and yet you can still say you need to stick around because there is still things to learn, that's cool.

You really hit the nail on the head with saying that this surgery messes with your head, oh boy does it ever!!!  

Glad you are part of our menu family, great looking menu, keep up the great work!

Queen JB
on 10/26/16 7:11 am
RNY on 07/20/15

Forgot the QOTD... 

I found this site about 8 or 9 years ago when I was researching PCOS solutions. I landed on the thread for PCOS which was pretty active at the time. It was the first time that I heard that WLS was the best solution and I started thinking about it seriously for the first time. 

I had the lap band 7 years ago, and I was here for support all the time. But the site was different back then, and used to get nasty! There was something called "surgery wars". People, especially on the DS board, would bully people about the surgery choices they made and it got impossible to post here and expect support. 

When it was time for my revision, I SWORE I wouldn't come back here, but I tried other sites and didn't get the knowledge that I learned here. I decided to stick with just the menu site when I came back, because I could tell it was a safer space. But I've been pleased to see that the whole site changed into a supportive place.

I am so grateful to you all every day--for the kind words, great ideas, cheerleaders, and the shoulders to cry on when things are hard.

  • High Weight before LapBand: 200 (2008)
  • High Weight before RNY: 160 (2015)
  • Lowest post-op weight: 110 (2016)
  • Maintenance Weight: 120 (2017-2019)
  • Battling Regain Weight: 135 (current)

Patty R.
on 10/26/16 1:01 pm - Harrisville, RI
RNY on 09/08/16

I remember those days well JB. I only read threads for a very long time, never daring to post until I realized things had changed for the better!!

on 10/26/16 5:33 pm - GTA, Ontario, Canada
RNY on 11/15/13

I would never have thought this site would have been good for PCOS research, learn something new each day!

UGH I can't imagine "surgery wars" really? That's just asinine to me, like who cares, we are all in this together, to lose weight and get healthy doesn't matter what surgery! Geezh!

I am counting my lucky starts that you decided to come back!  I love that you are part of our menu family and probably BEST part for you of coming back to OH is you found Grim, how awesome is that!

Love you right back girl!  

on 10/26/16 7:13 am
RNY on 08/15/16

I started coming to this sight right after my seminar on WLS, they gave us a booklet and it was listed in that. I have been coming almost everyday since!  I love the menu group, everyone has sound advice and I am a person that likes to belong to a group.  I learn something new in here almost every day, so Thanks everyone!

Bacon, 2 pieces
Pepperidge Farm Very Thin Whole Wheat 1 slices
Egg Beaters
Lean Beef Meatballs, 2 meatball
Butternut Squash, 0.22 cup
Easy chicken cordon blue, 1 serving(s)
Steamed Cauliflower, 0.4 cup
Quest Protein Powder - Salted Carmel, 1 scoop
Lite and Fit Greek Yogurt, 1 container

Totals cal 679 carbs 29 pro. 71

Oh and as far as pics. go when my husband gets a chance he is going to show me how to do pics. I am really quite illiterate when it comes to computers, sorry!  lol


High weight 335,Surgery weight 293.5,

M1- 24.5 lb,. M2 14, M3-9.5, M4- 7.5, M5- 6.5




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