@#$% pain, nut deficient and dehydrating.

on 9/24/16 5:47 pm

Hi everybody! I'm over a year out. I'm having some serious problems, I've had CT scans, x-rays and an ultrasound on my stomach and abdomen but nothing shows up wrong. 

Things started 3-4 weeks ago. Suddenly, I could not "stomach" the idea of eating, just the thought makes me nauseous. And I had trouble drinking without throwing up. Previously, I drank like a fi****he extreme pain in my stomach (oddly, in a few different places) and back has remained, it lessens and worsens through out the day but consistently everyday. It feels like I am wearing a really, really tight belt. My waist hurts Of course, when my surgeon probed my abdomen, there wasn't too much pain though (as the way it ALWAYS happens with me!) except for some pain in my gall bladder area. I go from profusely sweating to freezing cold in seconds, I get headaches, I'm very weak, I get dizzy, sometimes quick shallow breathing, diarrhea, my urine is totally clear. But the PAIN!!!!

I can explain SOME of this, but why it started and still exists is baffling me. In the past few weeks, I am not drinking nearly enough, and I eat whatever I can stomach which is about 5 oz a day. I KNOW I am deficient in something and I am dehydrated. Had a new nut panel done yesterday (results, hopefully Monday) and I'm eager to see what it shows. What I eat and drink I just throw it up or it just comes out the other end. Protein drinks won't stay down. Oh, it also causes some pain and nausea after I eat. I am in a lot of pain and I am SOOOOOO sick! I sit next to my husband thinking about how he'll be when I die. Depressed? Oh yes!

I can't imagine what the hell is wrong, causing all this pain. I know the RNY rules. Protein, proper nutrition, hydration, vitamins, chew, take it slow, small sips, bites, etc. But I can't get it in and even then, I cannot always keep it in. I try, I try every day. I cry everyday. 

PLEASE, I am coming to the ONLY community who understands. Help me?  How can I MAKE myself eat? Drink w/out throwing up?

on 9/24/16 7:28 pm

have they done an endoscopy?

HW- 375

SW- 358

GW- 175

on 9/24/16 7:34 pm

No, not yet.

on 9/24/16 7:36 pm - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On September 25, 2016 at 12:47 AM Pacific Time, Kinne wrote:

Hi everybody! I'm over a year out. I'm having some serious problems, I've had CT scans, x-rays and an ultrasound on my stomach and abdomen but nothing shows up wrong. 

Things started 3-4 weeks ago. Suddenly, I could not "stomach" the idea of eating, just the thought makes me nauseous. And I had trouble drinking without throwing up. Previously, I drank like a fi****he extreme pain in my stomach (oddly, in a few different places) and back has remained, it lessens and worsens through out the day but consistently everyday. It feels like I am wearing a really, really tight belt. My waist hurts Of course, when my surgeon probed my abdomen, there wasn't too much pain though (as the way it ALWAYS happens with me!) except for some pain in my gall bladder area. I go from profusely sweating to freezing cold in seconds, I get headaches, I'm very weak, I get dizzy, sometimes quick shallow breathing, diarrhea, my urine is totally clear. But the PAIN!!!!

I can explain SOME of this, but why it started and still exists is baffling me. In the past few weeks, I am not drinking nearly enough, and I eat whatever I can stomach which is about 5 oz a day. I KNOW I am deficient in something and I am dehydrated. Had a new nut panel done yesterday (results, hopefully Monday) and I'm eager to see what it shows. What I eat and drink I just throw it up or it just comes out the other end. Protein drinks won't stay down. Oh, it also causes some pain and nausea after I eat. I am in a lot of pain and I am SOOOOOO sick! I sit next to my husband thinking about how he'll be when I die. Depressed? Oh yes!

I can't imagine what the hell is wrong, causing all this pain. I know the RNY rules. Protein, proper nutrition, hydration, vitamins, chew, take it slow, small sips, bites, etc. But I can't get it in and even then, I cannot always keep it in. I try, I try every day. I cry everyday. 

PLEASE, I am coming to the ONLY community who understands. Help me?  How can I MAKE myself eat? Drink w/out throwing up?

it could be ulcers. Dehydration causes nausea. You could go to the ER for iv fluids Tory to get back on track. I would insist my surgeon sent me for a scope or I would find a gastroenterologist who would do it.




on 9/24/16 9:06 pm

He really needs to do a scope. I'm so sorry...I hope they can find what's going on. 

HW- 375

SW- 358

GW- 175

on 9/24/16 9:55 pm

I'm just afraid of dying from malnutrition or dehydration. Though I was able to keep my little, little dinner down. Liquids are much tougher.

on 9/25/16 10:17 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On September 25, 2016 at 4:55 AM Pacific Time, Kinne wrote:

I'm just afraid of dying from malnutrition or dehydration. Though I was able to keep my little, little dinner down. Liquids are much tougher.

you won't die from malnutrition as your body is burning your stored fat for nutrition.dehydration is serious and can be deadly quickly. That is why I would be demanding a scope asap





on 9/25/16 8:12 am, edited 9/25/16 1:13 am

If you are having tenderness in your gallbladder area, then it stands to reason that is very likely what it is.  Gallstones are so common after RNY that some surgeons just go ahead and remove the gallbladder when they do the RNY.  Gallbladder removal was a very easy surgery for me, back at work in two days, easy peasy.  You'll hopefully know what is going on when you get the test results back.  By the way, my gallbladder problem was not stones, it was low motility, IOW, my gallbladder wasn't contracting enough to push the fluid out, if that is your case, it isn't diagnosed the same way gallstones are, so even if your gallbladder test came back negative, it may still prove to be your gallbladder.  

on 9/25/16 1:42 pm
On September 25, 2016 at 3:12 PM Pacific Time, amitydo wrote:

If you are having tenderness in your gallbladder area, then it stands to reason that is very likely what it is.  Gallstones are so common after RNY that some surgeons just go ahead and remove the gallbladder when they do the RNY.  Gallbladder removal was a very easy surgery for me, back at work in two days, easy peasy.  You'll hopefully know what is going on when you get the test results back.  By the way, my gallbladder problem was not stones, it was low motility, IOW, my gallbladder wasn't contracting enough to push the fluid out, if that is your case, it isn't diagnosed the same way gallstones are, so even if your gallbladder test came back negative, it may still prove to be your gallbladder.  

amitydo, Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm glad to know gallbladder surgery is "easy peasy" and the recovery time is not forever. But I have a question. How did you and your Dr find out it was low motility?

The Salty Hag
on 9/25/16 8:54 am
RNY on 05/20/13

My first thought from your post is either twisted ( strangled or looped ) bowel or a blockage, a hernia somewhere or maybe a stricture. I'm not a doctor, obviously, but just from your description and what I've read on here posted by other people having similar problems, and my own experiences, it sounds like those scenarios could be possibilities. Do you have a gallbladder? Have they ruled that out if you do have it?  


I'd have another CT scan done, and/or have a set fresh eyes-a different doctor-look at the CT scans. I imagine they'd need to do an endoscopy as well. 

A doc in my surgeon's practice missed what was wrong with me and another doc in the practice caught it. I had a partial blockage in my large intestine, with the upper left area being the most blocked. I had poop lining the entire length of my intestine, with distention in the upper left area. ( Sorry for TMI. ) 

In late 2014, I started with mild pain and cramps in my mid-section, especially when it was time for a BM, but after going I'd feel okay. I was regular, so didn't really think too much about it. I figured it was just "the coffee kicking in", so to speak. It went on for a couple of months with the pain steadily increasing at times and when I started looking 6 months pregnant even near my goal weight, I decided I needed it checked out. ( There was no way I could have been preggers...lol. )

A CT scan was ordered, and was called clear by the 1st do****pt having pain and was still looking bloated. I went back, saw a different surgeon and she's the one who caught the problem. ( The blockage looked dark on the scan. To me, it looked like empty space, but she pointed out why it wasn't. I think probably the intestine bulging was good indication of the blockage. ) 


My symptoms were: At first the pain would come and go. Later on it was constant with waves of worsening pain.  I'd have pain radiating from my mid-section to my back, and all up and down the left side of my torso-where the worst of the blockage was.  My stomach was distended pretty badly. I was not nauseated and I never threw anything up, but in general, I just felt icky. I was able to eat and drink normally ( even though I didn't want to ). When the 2nd doc probed my stomach area, I about came off the table. I was at the point where I could not lie down and definitely couldn't lay on my left side. ( My problems were resolved by mid February 2015. ) 


I have no advice regarding the eating and drinking since that was never a problem for me. I'm not sure in your case if it's an "I don't feel well enough to want to eat" vs. an "I want to, but physically I can not eat." situation. 

It's so terribly frustrating to know something is wrong, but not being able to pinpoint exactly WHAT. At one point, I really thought I was losing my mind. 

FWIW, the freezing cold to sweating profusely could be separate  and not related to what is going on with your stomach area. I would get that way often when I was a little over a year out. ( pull the covers allll the way up and two minutes later, throwing them off of me. ) It was hot flashes.  I'm not saying it's NOT related in your case, in my case it was not, but I know everyone is different. ) 

I hope the problem and a solution can be found ASAP. 

I woke up in between a memory and a dream...

Tom Petty
