Completely Overwhelmed by Vitamins and medicines

on 9/20/16 4:25 pm

Ok, so today I am 7 days post op.  Because I just came home yesterday I have not started any vitamins yet.  I am terrified of dumping and now notice some of this stuff seems to contain sugars.

I was told to get Flintstone Chewable Complete and take one a day - 4th ingredient Sugar does not say how much

Bariatric Advantage Sugar Free Calcium Citrate Chewy Bite (carmel- this scares me) Sugar Alcohol 2g need 3 a day and must be 2 hrs apart from other vitamins.

Will either of these make me dump?

In addition to these I have the Iron Supplements the B12 tabs that go under the tongue

I am also on pain meds still the acid reflux meds ( 2 kinds because of my history)

Thyroid Pill

Liquid meds for constipation

Blood Press Meds

Overactive Bladder med

I know some of this will go away, but sheesh, I am on more meds now that I have ever been.

I am completely overwhelmed here and need to know what everyone else is doing.  Is there a particular order you take your meds in??

I appreciate any hope with this, as I know I really need to get these moving.

RNY 9/14/16  - Start Weight 192, Goal Weight 125

CJ On Orcas
on 9/20/16 5:05 pm
RNY on 09/09/16

Karen my surgeon said not to take anything until my followup two week visit.  Looking forward to hearing what people say... I know some have said that it is important to take calcium and iron separately, for imstance.

on 9/20/16 5:13 pm

That's interesting.  I sent an email to my Nut, hopefully she will respond in the morning

RNY 9/14/16  - Start Weight 192, Goal Weight 125

Patty R.
on 9/20/16 5:06 pm - Harrisville, RI
RNY on 09/08/16

Hey, relax and take a deep breath in and let it out. I'm a little ahead of you but felt panic too. I had my husband go to CVS and get one of those big weekly pill cases. It has 4 / day compartments with every day of the week. Once weekly you fill it up following the instructions on your meds. Pick a day of the week for the weekly's and then you're all set. I have to take 2 chewable vits a day, and 3 calcium's .with only 4 compartments, I put a vit and a calcium together knowing that I have to wait between the two. I have a vit in the last of the day compartment in case I need to take iron at some time.

This is kind of long, but I hope it helps!

Lap-Band 2007 out 2013 RnY 2016 Age 64 5'6" HW 294 SW 284 LW 214 CW 235.2 goal 199

G. Dean Roye, MD FACS


on 9/20/16 5:16 pm

Thanks Pat I too have always used those cases.  I have 2 one for home pills and 1 for pills I take at work.  They do help


Any thoughts on the sugars?

RNY 9/14/16  - Start Weight 192, Goal Weight 125

Patty R.
on 9/20/16 6:29 pm - Harrisville, RI
RNY on 09/08/16

I think the calcium should be ok, they're made for our needs. Not sure about the vitamin, my program has me take centrum silver chewable or similar generic store brand, twice a day

on 9/20/16 8:43 pm
RNY on 06/03/15

I take Centrum silver chewables (or the generic equivalent), too.  My program is one of the many that recommends Flintstones (yikes!), but when I asked the dietitian about Centrum, she said "oh yeah - those are better".  WTH???  So why aren't they recommending those instead of Flintstones??

RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163

on 9/20/16 8:59 pm

Thanks, I will be sure to ask her about the Central and see what she thinks.


RNY 9/14/16  - Start Weight 192, Goal Weight 125

on 9/20/16 5:11 pm

Hey guess what? You have a lifetime to figure out that vitamin/iron/calcium thing. 7 days out the big focus is water and protein. Moving around a little. Taking breaths to expand your lungs.

Thyroid pill needs to be on an empty stomach.

I have not heard of anyone dumping on those meds. The flintsone's are not the best choice but that a whole other topic.

Deep breath. You will get there.

on 9/20/16 5:18 pm

Thanks, I need flow charts here between the meds and the food, water, protein

RNY 9/14/16  - Start Weight 192, Goal Weight 125
