Sphincter or Oddi Disease/Disorder
There was someone on here a few years back whom had this disease "Sphincter of Oddi Disorder" a funny name for a very screwed up disease. I owe several folks here apologies because my foggy brain has NOT been paying attention. I have no gall bladder, severe Pancreatitis and have had 3 surgeries so far in less than 2 months. I have a giant 28g Fr feeding tube stuck for over a month in my remnant stomach (I had RNY surgery) and will soon have my bile ducts cut permanently in the hope it helps.
I was looking for this person to commiserate with and/or get any information on an Roux-En-Y person with S.O.D. I have dropped weight down to a very unhealthy level because I can barely eat. I go in on the 19th of this month for yet another surgery and then hopefully on the 27th of Sept to start making the tube smaller... (I have NO idea why they cannot just take the tube out and stitch it...But I am not a Doctor).
Just a heads up to all of you that even years out "things" can happen..Always be vigilant! Watch your pancreas, your liver, your intestines. Be an advocate for you! It will never change after the surgery...10,20 years out you can still get twisted or impacted intestines or liver problems or other Gastric Bypass problems. Just be alert. No reason to be scared, just alert to what is normal for you.
Again, apologies to any I offended, Vicodin is a powerful drug and makes ones mind very fuzzy! As always best wishes to all of you, no matter where in your journey you are.
Jackie E.