What's On Your Tuesday Menu, RNYers?

on 9/6/16 9:38 am
RNY on 07/17/14

That Hawaiian chicken sounds delish!  I'm totally stealing it.





on 9/6/16 9:32 am - MD

Good Morning everyone. Sorry I've not posted in a while.  I've done some lurking though.

Here's what I learned from your story Kristen.

  1. You are incredibly adaptable.  I would have been a mess and spent time beating myself up for mixing up the days, but you got in there and took care of business.
  2. You have raised incredibly adaptable children.  Your son didn't flip out with the change of plans at all.  That's impressive. 
  3. You have a wonderful sense of humor (Ok, I knew this already, but still).

School started here last week.  Our nephew is still living with us, so I had my first back-to-school shopping experience two weeks ago.  Holy Moly!  The school supply section of Target was such chaos.  He only needed  few things but we had to weave through what felt like a thousand people to get any of it.  I didn't even bother trying to compare prices... I just wanted to get out of there in one piece!  I remember back to school shopping as a kid as this wonderful experience when I got to pick new pencils and notebooks.  I had no idea how nutty it was from the parent's perspective. 

Today is my first day back to work since I was out due to a nasty cold that turned into bronchitis. I'm hoping to get to the gym today.  We'll see. I have my gym clothes at work so that's a start. 

Time since surgery: 13 years






Protein Coffee, 1 serving(s)





Belvita - Cinnamon, 1 I package






the Perfect Pita - Falafel Side 3 Pieces, 3 pieces





Premier Protein - Chocolate High Protein Shake, 11 oz shake






Boneless - Beef Short Ribs (2 Ribs), 4 oz





Kale Super Food Salad, 1 cup





Morning Snacks

Dannon - Light & Fit Greek Nonfat Yogurt Mousse Raspberry and White Chocolate, 113 g (1 container)





Afternoon Snacks

Oscar Mayer - P3 Portable Protein Pack - Turkey Breast, Cheddar Cheese, Dry Roasted Peanuts, 1 package





After Dinner

Evening Tea, 1 serving(s)





Kedem - Tea Biscuits - Chocolate Flavored, 6 biscuits (8g)










HW: 417 | 2003 RNY: 138 loss | 2015 Revision SW: 279

on 9/6/16 9:40 am
RNY on 07/17/14

You're sweet!  I'm not going to lie, I had a couple of minutes of sheer panic but then I took a deep breath, made some coffee and got to work.  LOL  And my kid is the best, for real.  I hope he's having a good day!





Teena D.
on 9/6/16 11:03 am - Oshawa, Canada
RNY on 01/12/17

WE had a t-shirt contest for the reunion- mine said I don't have a problem with Caffeine- I have a problem without it. As long as there's coffee- no problem is insurmountable!!!

RNY Jan 12, 2017 Lost 137 lbs but regained 60.

77 lbs lost and counting!

Losing the regain! I got this!

on 9/6/16 9:49 am
RNY on 06/03/15

classes started today and it's an absolute zoo around here.  Had to be in at 7:00 this morning, so I grabbed a protein bar on the way out the door.  I was actually 1/2 pound under my goal this morning, but it's NOT my official weigh day, and at this point in my journey my weight bounces around a lot, so I'm not going to uncork the champagne (I mean that figuratively, of course****il I have three or four solid days under goal.  Regardless, YIPPEE!!  (although I'm going to revise my goal - I'm comfortable at this weight, but I want to build in a cushion in case I have some regain later)


B:  protein bar, coffee with half & half

S:  double protein shake

L:  Greek yogurt, 1/2 C mixed fresh fruit

D:  either 2 oz pulled pork with a small Caprese salad (without the cheese), or some chicken/pecan/peach salad


probably another Greek yogurt or frozen protein pop at some point if I can afford the calories...


exercise:  provided I'm still awake at 6:00 pm (didn't sleep much last night because I knew I had to get up really early this morning), I'll go to TRX class (45 minutes).  If not, I'll hit one later in the week

RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163

on 9/6/16 9:56 am, edited 9/6/16 3:05 am - GTA, Ontario, Canada
RNY on 11/15/13

You sure handled that Snafu with calm and grace, seriously I would have had a meltdown.  Your kid is awesome for just rolling with it.   Happy belated Anniversary, the view looks amazing.  I would like to join the "admitting I f'ed up on food this weekend" gang please... Apple Turnover... yup we bought some on Saturday while grocery shopping, I resisted until Sunday and then I ate a whole one.  Yup I was dying... I thought I was going to puke, it hurt, I was sweating and nauseous and I passed out on the couch and ruined our plans for the day. I am so pissed at myself, seriously I could throat punch myself I could.  What was I thinking... oh right I am still a fat girl in my heart and she wants sweets.  Moving on right.... back on track!

QOTD: other than my apply turnover debacle it was a quiet weekend.  We spent a lot of time outside with the dogs and doing yard work and reading my new book lying in the sun on my lounger in the backyard, it was a good relaxing weekend

time since surgery: 2 yrs and 10 months next week

B: coffee with miralax and lactose free milk

L: can of solid white tuna over salad greens, chopped red bell pepper and balsamic dressing

S: two swiss babybel cheese

D: two grilled pork chops with A1 sauce

S: four slices of bacon

totals: 805 calories, 81 protein, 17 carbs, 48 fat

vits done, calcium on alarms, step class at the gym after work and then walk the dogs later in the evening when it cools down

happy short work week gang!

 ETA spelling & grammar mistakes

Daisy 5'5" HW: 290 SW: 254 CW: 120

Nov 15, 2013: RNY - Toronto Western Hospital, Nov 2, 2017: Gallbladder removal & hernia repair

Sept 7, 2023: three +1 hernia's repaired in bowel

10+ years post op, living & loving life!

on 9/6/16 10:26 am
RNY on 07/17/14

Back on the horse, right?  Matt was pretty upset that I just fell into bed and passed out in a food coma on our anniversary.    I was like, "get the hell away from me".  LMAO





on 9/6/16 10:20 am

   Glad you woke up in time to make sure Michael was ready. Ouch on the overdoing it though, it is so easy to do, especially when you are out.  That's why we don't go out often, I'd rather not.  When we went out last week I ate about 1/4 of my meal, the rest came home and was lunch for a couple of days.  I still had desert, well 3 spoons of my tiramisu before hubby finished the rest of mine as well as his.  I was sill extremely full, but not hurting.

My weekend was busy with housework, shopping, some reading and a visit with one of my sisters.  DH worked all weekend, we didn't go to any bbq's, it was kind of nice for a change.  



on 9/6/16 10:27 am

Oops, forgot the food

B:  Protein shake w/Jay Robb protein Powder, 8 oz fat free milk, 1 tbsp. Teddie PB

L:  Chicken, 1 slice Panera whole wheat bread

S:  Sargento Balanaced Breaks, Danno L&F Yogurt

D:  ?  Probably more Chicken



Teena D.
on 9/6/16 11:00 am - Oshawa, Canada
RNY on 01/12/17

Hello everyone, 


Mssed you guys but I stayed off the phone as much as possible for the vacay- it was awesome. I did such a good job planning the reunion apparently that I was nominated for the next one as well. How did that happen?? Oh well, I don't mind.

Our 4 year old little cousin wanted to tell me a secret- her secret- maybe your belly is so big because you eat too much - oh well, at least she's cute! And next reunion (2 years time) it won't be! Woot Woot! 

I bought only one outfit- very cute from CATO and on clearance so $31.00 in total.  Since my surgery will be in the next few months, and it's a summer outfit, realistically, I will only wear it a few times but it was pretty, and I was proud of myself for not buying anything else.

My amazing children are back to school today- the oldest is in Grade 12, middle grade 10 and the youngest grade 7.  His first day in middle school- which is in the high school in our little town -  and first day on the bus. The sibs promised to look out for him.  I love those kids. 

And i'm back to work,

Today I had 2 eggs, 4 strips of bacon for breakfast, and chilli chicken dry no rice for lunch. I gained 4 or the 7 lbs I'd lost doing AMAWC so trying to watch the carbs now until surgery.


Have a great week everyone!


RNY Jan 12, 2017 Lost 137 lbs but regained 60.

77 lbs lost and counting!

Losing the regain! I got this!

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