What's on your Sunday menu, RNYers?
Felt like an eating machine late this afternoon. I don't know what the heck was going on with me - I'm normally not a stress eater. Finally headed over to the yoga studio. I didn't care what classes they had going on then - anything would do. Turned out to be a fabulous idea - I'm much calmer now and have zero desire to eat. And I somehow managed to keep under 1200 calories today (I usually eat around 1000 - but I'll take it!). YAY!!
so here's the update on what I ended up having today:
B: Greek yogurt with added protein, 7 strawberries
S: double protein shake, coffee with half & half
L: 2 oz pulled pork, 1 T barbecue sauce, 1/2 C grilled vegetables
S: Four frozen protein pudding pops
Kcal: 1149, protein 126, carbs 86
exercise: 75 minutes of yoga
Glad others are int he same boat as me. Made that boston cream poke cake with sugar free pudding. Apparently that gave me license to "try" a bite or two yesterday.
Today has been much better. I made apple bread cobbler for DH and neighbors today. Ribs for dinner instant pot with green beans- yumm
the meat and veg were yummy!
QOTD: the only thing when i was 6 was our house in Birmingham flooded. water came up all the way through the basement. ruined a ton of furniture and we ended up moving to south GA due to my dad's transfer for work.
stayed under 900 calories yesterday
went for a 2.2 mile job today- fistest milk ever at 14 min 43 seconds!