Trip to ER
Food can get stuck even when following the rules of limit portion size, small bites, chew well, and wait in between bites. Here are some stuck-food tips for some protein-based foods: take a chewable papaya enzyme tablet which works to dissolve proteins OR drink a stirred 1/2 teaspoon or less of Adolf meat tenderizer in a small amount of water OR pre-moisten meat with lemon juice, au jus, or mayo before eating. If you happen to be developing something called a stricture, no tip will do and medical intervention will be needed.
For some reason, salmon is very hard for me, too. I guess it's because of the density of the protein. I can't eat it to this day.
I found that shrimp, scallops, and even tuna all work well for me.
It's all trial-and-error for each of us.
Bread can still make me feel like a heart attack happening, and I'm 11 years out!