Help!! Donuts abound.
All the quotes in the world like "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels," has the potential to fly out the window when a donut is within reach. What has worked for me is immersion in a healthy lifestyle finding healthy choices becomes preferred instead of forced. I also have found I'm only as strong as the situation I'm in. What I mean is my physical situation affects my mental state which then affects my choices. There are strong people in weak situations, weak people in strong situations, strong people in strong situations, weak people in weak situations. Then there are super-human strong WLSers like Kat W., White Dove, and Grim that can offer support with small judgement to those of us on the weaker side. Sending you vibes instead of kicks.
I know what you mean. And I was NEVER a big donut eater!
I found a recipe on PINTEREST for "Protein PB and Vanilla Bites" or something like that and plan on making some up this weekend. They look like donut holes and use Rice Chex, creamy PB and vanilla protein powder and cinnamon... looking forward to it!

HW: 333 Consult Weight: 318 SW: 293
"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right" -Henry Ford
If you did test it, you'd likely have 1 of 3 outcomes. You might dump - do ya wanna experience that at work? Or - you might find you tolerate sugary treats quite well and then you'll KNOW Alberta approves and it will be harder and harder each time to resist. Or - you might find (as many have, but unfortunately not me) that it just doesn't taste as good as it looks anymore. To me, all sweets still taste and go down just like they used to, but I've never been big on sweets - I'd rather have savory any day. Luckily, savory stuff (pizza, fried foods...) has never been the same. Not worth it ever again. (Thank goodness.)
Only one way to find out. Is it worth it? (Whispering in your ear...."nooooooo".)
I have eaten my lifetime's supply of donuts. So many mornings after work stopping and binging on donuts on the way home. I knew every good donut store in Seattle.
I can't eat them now. They physically make me sick. They are among a group of foods that just don't work for me after RnY. For me, that's a good thing.
I do not mourn them. I had plenty.