What's on Your Wednesday Menu, RNYers?
Back home for part of the day and then off to camp again. Loving the RV and the chance to see new things. We really had no itinerary except the shooting and wandered around and found parks to stay at as we went. Our state parks all look atrocious because the state has no budget and is not paying their bills. One we stopped at was all overgrown because they have no gas and the supplier wont provide more til he gets paid. Our lovely governor and legislators should all be shot but I won't get started! So if vacationing this summer,don't come to Illinois! Post op almost 45 months and weight at 120.6 today with all the walking Lily and I have been doing! We did 3.2 miles already this morning at the park and will walk more later when we get to our campground. Here's the eats B 1/2 c steel cut oats with protein and peanut butter added L 1 c chili D 31/2 oz ribeye 1/2 c green beans S mission 1 protein bar. Have a great day everyone and make some smart choices! I'll see you again Monday!
Good morning! QOTD: Italy wins out for overall best vacation (sense of history, Venice, Siena, Florence, Rome, carnevale, art EVERYWHERE not just trapped in museums (and mind-blowing art inside the museums too), architecture, food, concerts, flowers and so much more), but there are so many features of other vacations that I love too - the red beaches of PEI, seals on the beach and birds of paradise in bloom in La Jolla, oceans pretty much everywhere, houses with murals painted on them in Lucerne, friendly people everywhere ... the list could go on and on. And on. Makes me happy just thinking about it. Thanks!
Starting day 3 of CAMAW and I've barely put a dent in my meat supply.
B: eye of round slow cooked (tender but DRY) with a bit of mustard
L: chicken
D: 'free from' ham and a little more mustard
S: yogurt, laughing cow cheese
Cal-894, protein-116
If the weather stays fair, I'll be putting in the bedding plants later today.
Good morning! The work chaos continues and it looks like I will be working on Memorial Day. On the bright side, time and a half plus a floating holiday. I do find my workouts have been excellent destressing mechanisms which is good considering I have so many of them these days. Ah Ironman, you may kill me yet!
QOTD: My favorite vacation was Jamaica with my hubbie. We never took a honeymoon so i considered this it (albeit 14 years overdue). 6 days without children at an adults only all inclusive. When we left Wisconsin it was -30 degrees (Feb) and when we arrived in Jamaica it was 80. It was glorious. It was amazing to have kid free time.
Time since surgery: 22+ months
B: Iced coffee with cream and a donut
S: JD Breakfast sammy
L: LC Swedish Meatballs
S: Iced Coffee with cream and a Kind Bar
D: Tacos!
W/V: Started
E: 4 mile run and core work
Totals: Calories 1361, Protein 66, Carbs 130, Fat 62
I'll be joining you at work on Memorial Day. That's partially why I don't feel too awful leaving early today to get down to Orange County. Although my trip was almost derailed. The Trump train rolled into the OC today and I wanted zero part of that . . . lucky for me the rally is at noon and the chaos and mayhem should be well over by the time I cross the county line
That sucks that you have to work Memorial Day. I had to come in a couple of years ago and work on the budget book that weekend. So as sucky as work has been, we got it done and now do not have to come in. I ditched out last year due to my RNY surgery. I can relate to the workouts helping. I have spent my last few sessions with the trainer *****ing, moaning, and venting about work while I work out. I figure it's just like the hairdresser...they let you rant while they do what they need to do. Have a great day.

5'7" Starting Weight: 305
Current Weight: 145