What's on Your Wednesday Menu, RNYers?
The Money Pit! The scene where he's stuck in the floor singing The Name Game makes me laugh until I cry.

Favorite movies are Breakfast Club and Pretty in Pink. Posting late as I had an appointment at my rheumatologist today. Weight today 121 and post op 44 months. Got up at 530 and walked 3.2 miles with Lily so we would get it in in case the predicted rain shows up. Will also do 30 minutes on the bike at some point. Here's the eats B 1/2 c steel cut oats with protein and peanut butter added L 31/2 oz deli turkey 1/2 c wax beans D 1 natural hot dog 1/2 c green beans S pure protein bar chocolate peanut butter. Have a great day everyone and make some wise choices!
This is a for realz question.
I am sitting at the doctor's downing a crap ton of contrast foe a CT scan. I logguit into my fitness pal, and it is 325 calories?!?! Who knows the carb count.
Would you eat more calories on a day like today or just suck it up buttercup and be hungry? I really have to get this last 25 off.
I am just getting my act together so I don't know that I can make a reasonable decision that doesn't involve doritos right now.
on 5/11/16 8:53 am
Hi everyone! You all make me smile and laugh. We have had gorgeous weather here! Rainier and colder than usual, with snow falling in the upper mountains. But the yards love it. And it is so very beautiful when bits of clouds hang down over the mountains.
I am not much of a movie watcher lately. In college, I remember watching Ladyhawke over and over and over again. Everyone was always watching it. This was when video machines were still fairly new (early 80's). People would rent machines and movies in the first year or two of college. By the time I graduated, a few people would have their own video players. They were such expensive machines then. But it seemed like every apartment you walked into, or every party you went to, someone was watching or showing Ladyhawke. I would come home from classes or work, and one roommate or antoher would be watching Ladyhawke. I think I had see all the scenes in mixed-up order a gazillion times before I ever actually watched the entire thing from beginning to end.
B: Fage plain yogurt with 2 T fresh blueberries and 1 t low sugar blueberry preserves
L: Panko-breaded talapia (an old Costco standby) with tomatoes and homemade fish taco sauce (soooooo yummy)
S1: Deli chicken and cheese rolls. Maybe pickle.
S2: If I get around to making it, homemade hummus with whatever veggie is hanging around in the fridge
D: Stir-fry oriental-spiced chicken breast with stir-fry green beans/onions. Will also have some pot stickers for the family. I usually eat the insides of 1-2 potstickers when we do this.
So much sickness at my house lately--of different sorts. I went to our family doctor yesterday for a UTI. This is my 4th one since mid-December. Was laughing with the doctor about it being my family's month there. SIX visits to this doctor's office from my family in the past 3 weeks. At the dinner and breakfast table, we have a little apothecary sitting out so the kids remember their various antibiotics, allergy meds, herbal efforts, etc.
18 son broke up with his girlfriend this weekend. She initiated it. No hurtful stuff--just seniors in high school moving on. But he is a little melancholy. So on Saturday night, without us knowing, he went rock climbing/rapelling in the canyon at 10:30 p.m. Told us later he needed to DO SOMETHING. Well, there is no phone service in the canyon. This boy is so reliable usually, so to not know where he was, when he is usually home at 11:30-ish--this was troubling. Finally at 12:30 we got a lead. At 1:00 we went up the canyon, wondering if he had an accident--there would be so few people in the canyon who would find an accident, especially near the climbing cliffs. He was coming home and texted us just as we were leaving the house.
Funny side story: on Monday, he found out that 5 of his friends broke up with their girls over the weekend. The girls all initiated it. We asked him, "So, did all the girls at school have some conversation and decide it was time to break up?" We also wondered if there was something being shared on social media about breaking up that all the girls tapped into. He says none of these girls know each other--it is a huge high school with 2500 students.
Anyway, I am happy to say hello again. Looking for less craziness in the days ahead, but May is shaping up to be soooooooo busy, and the summer too!

Ladyhawke. swoon It's a shame Michelle Pfeiffer is so unattractive in this movie. LMAO

I am just a bit younger than you but I have fond memories of Ladyhawke.
This has brought to mind a movie from that era that I watched over and over again (no real relation to LadyHawke, except I was roughly the same age when I was watchign it).
My dad loved the movie The Adventures Buckaroo Bonzai Across the 8th Dimension. Seriously! I LOVE that movie, still to this day. It's SO cheesy, but it reminds me of being 11 years old again.
Good morning. We're in the middle of "May Gray" here in not so sunny So Cal. The weather report insists its going to warm up, but so far it hasn't. It was a balmy 50 and overcast when I left for work (granted that's not cold, but it is for us). I'm not ready for the summer heat, but I'd like to put away my sweaters. I'm officially two years post op today, so happy surgiversary to me! I got a call from my primary care doctor yesterday to go over my labs. My vitamin A, B12, and D3 are all on the high side, so she wants me to scale back. For some reason, she was under the impression that I take my vitamins individually, so she said, "take the A every other day for 3 months and we'll recheck." I asked her if she was nuts . . . I can barely keep up with my med schedule as it is. Can you imagine taking every vitamin contained in, lets say a Centrum, individually? I'd never sleep! Anyway, she told me to check with my surgeon, but she wants me on Centrum 1x day instead of the two I've been taking. Also interesting, there's apparently a gene mutation that makes you metabolize PPIs at a rapid pace, so if you have it PPIs are basically ineffective. She had me tested, and I have it. So that means the mega doses of PPIs I've been taking do absolutely nothing for me. She's switching me to different acid control medication, the downside being it's less effective than a PPI. What that means for me, I don't know. My surgeon will weigh in on Thursday.
KQOTD - So many to choose from. I guess my all time favorite guilty pleasure is Can't Buy Me Love with Patrick Dempsey. Close runners up are How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days and 27 Dresses. Yes, I'm a sap.
Here's my plan:
B: Turkey, pesto and cheese
L: Chicken Breast, quinoa and veggies (I know I was going low carb, but I had a craving and my quarter cup won't kill me or my weight. . . I hope)
D: Sirloin steak and ?? (we're going to a restaurant called tender greens . . . they source locally, so it depends what's on the menu. I'll likely have a veggie side . . . so much for low carb today)
S: latte with 4 oz fairlife milk and light and fit
Totals: Cal. 871; Protein: 98g; Fat: 41g; Carbs: 20g