One week post op. Feeling quite sad.
I had buyers remorse from the moment I woke up. I felt terrible for about 4 weeks (weak, hated the taste of all the protein I tried, etc). So, we all understand what you're going through. Try different protein. I finally found unflavored (they all have taste) and created the best protein iced coffee. You will find something you like; just keep trying. I started feeling better as soon as I got protein in.
Now three months out. Size 16 from 24. And I feel amazing. It was worth the awful first month. You will see. Keep your eye on the ball. Follow the plan. Move. Drink. Drink. Drink.
And don't worry, you will be able to eat with your family again. I've been at restaurants all weekend. No one noticed a thing. I just get a take out container and my hubby has lunch for the next day.
Best of luck. You won't regret it.
4' 11" Female. Sw 238. Goal138.
I think it's very normal to feel how you're feeling. Hang in there, I think it'll get better pretty quickly and these days will seem like a memory. Try and remember that each day is part of this journey. There will be awesome days, happy days, sad days, angry days, fantastic days- try and take them in stride. Rest, sip and walk. Be patient with yourself and those close to you that are supporting you-thank them in any way you can, they have to change their lives a bit too! Sending tons of hugs your way. Visit and post here often!
Just know that this is the worst part. Even though your incisions may be tiny,you just had major surgery. Your whole life is changing and the hormones stored in the fat that your body is now burning is being released into your body. No wonder you are sad and moody. Just take it one day at a time and know that we are here for you if needed. It's just one part of this amazing journey to a healthier you. You may even surprise yourself along the way! I started at 272 and have now weighed 120 to 123 for almost three years now. I love my new life and you will too very soon I promise!
They call the first week after surgery "hell week" and you're living through the reasons why. Not only are our insides re-arranged, our emotions pile on and we can really get into a dark place. Add in a sprinkling of regret and we are off and running. You've already gotten some great advice and hopefully your spirits have lifted some.
Reminding myself that each day I got through was one day closer to feeling better helped me through a lot in those early days.. Because you will feel better. I promise.
Take care of yourself - baby yourself even. Buy a new book to read, rent some movies or some such. Time passes more quickly when we are distracted.
It will all be over before you know it.
edited to add: your profile shows your surgery date as 3/16/16 yet your post states you are one week out. you might want to go in and update your profile.
It will pass - the anesthesia is still in your system and making you feel crappy.
The thing about what that you are not happy about - they are all transitional things that go away. You begin to lose real weight - also your pre-sur weight was prob very low because you were partially dehydrated. I used the week before surg weight as a better approz - but you might be using that also. Your blood pressure will come down.
You will not have to eat whey prot for the rest of your life - for a few months, yes, but in 6 months you will eat salmon, and shrimp ****tail and whatever high prot foods you enjoy then. You will feel like you have rejoined humanity and are no longer quaretintined in some "safe food only haven." t
That being said - I totally agree that the first few weeks really SUCK. I did not like SF jello. but the SF popcicles were always a real treat - esp the tropical when I could find them. Hang in there - please repost in a week or two and let us know if you are doing any better.
PS One night a few days after WLS I just wanted a piece of crab cake - not a crab cake - jsut one little bit with a hunk of crab in it. OMG - I thought about that imaginary crabcake for hours - I finally took some pain med and went to bed. I woke up in the morning and did much better - but a crab ****tail or shrimp ****tail is still my go-to treat. I don't care what anyone else is eating as long as I have my shrimp ****tail.
Although I am about 17 months post-WLS, below my goal weight, knowing that many of the early kinks works themselves out, or we just adjust - WLS is a weight management tool, no one is saying WLS cures obesity.
I know how you are feeling about WHAT THE F%& DID I DO? About a week ago, when you were having your WLS I was having plastics. You will be fully recovered before me! This is the everything is worse phase and nothing is better yet. I am having patience and withholding final judgement.
I do have one story to tell you about what I thought about when I first woke up after surgery.
I laid in bed the day after surgery to see what I really thought now it was all over. This is what I thought:
It felt like I was in Paris - you know, you book the flight months ahead, get the hotel, pack, get on an airplane, schlep your stuff to the hotel and go to bed exhausted and you are in Paris. However, when you wake up, you go to the window, open it and see the Eifel Tower before you really realize that you really made it to Paris.
PS Paris has never been better