What's on Your Wednesday Menu, RNYers?

on 5/4/16 5:27 am
RNY on 04/06/15

Oh kids, everything is always last minute.  I know your pain!!

QOTD: I feel like a crap parent, but I can't think of anything we do EVERY YEAR on any Holiday.  hhhmmmm    We do a whole family Easter egg hunt (my Dad's side of the family).  We bake cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve, usually...HAHAHA  LAME

13 Months since surgery

M1: Protein hot chocolate

M2: 4oz Fairlife skim milk, 1 scoop Syntrax milk chocolate w/ lots of ice

M3: 4oz Fairlife skim milk, 1 scoop Syntrax milk chocolate w/ lots of ice

M4: 4oz Fairlife skim milk, 1 scoop Syntrax milk chocolate w/ lots of ice

M5: Leftover homemade vegan "butter chicken"

M6: Curd cheese (this is the food of the gods...warm it up a bit before eating...oh lord )

Totals: Cals: 811 Protein: 116  Carbs: 37  Fat: 23

So I am .2 away from my goal weight.  So maybe tomorrow will be the day???  EEEEK  Then I will just keep doing what I am doing and try to get a little lower for a buffer!   But I am not counting my chickens before they hatch, so to say, shark week should be starting here soon, so I know I will gain from that.  booo

HW: 328 Program start weight: 309 SW:275.8 CW: 154.6 (12/14/16)

Nicole K.
on 5/4/16 5:30 am, edited 5/3/16 10:30 pm - Santa Monica, CA
RNY on 02/12/16

Good morning everyone! Yikes, what a day yesterday was. This weekend my boyfriend came to the conclusion that he wanted to get married, and I really pondered the whole thing Sunday and Monday and did what every normal, emotionally stable woman does - I broke up with him. I just thought about the dynamics of our relationship, how skewed they are and realized this is not a person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I may regret it tomorrow but as for right now, I'm good with my decision. I didn't emotionally eat either, which is a small victory for me on its own. I'm DEFINITELY getting a dog now, since he would never let me have one before.

 QOTD: I love Christmas, decorating, putting up lights, baking cookies, watching "A Christmas Story" on repeat 

Meals are kind of up in the air, I don't have much of an appetite right now, but it will probably go something like this:
B: boiled egg
L: 2 slices of ham and a Baby Bell
S: Light and Fit Greek yogurt
D: maybe an iMetabolic protein shake

Have a great day!  And what the heck are rosary pliers?


RNY on 2/12/2016 with Dr. Kent Sasse

First consultation weight: 309  Goal weight: 150


on 5/4/16 5:34 am
RNY on 07/17/14

Oh my!  That's some day!  Well, when you don't feel it, you can't force it, right?  And go the rescue route, for sure.  For the dog, I mean.  LOL





on 5/4/16 5:41 am
RNY on 02/19/16

Oh, wow, that must have been a very emotional couple of days, but good for you for doing what is best for YOU.  I'm biased towards dogs, but if a person doesn't like dogs, there's something seriously wrong with their soul, imho.  Check out www.petfinder.com.  They have listings of wonderful shelter dogs up for adoption and you can find just about any breed you want. 

~ Karen, who would rather have a dog than a boyfriend any day!  Ha Ha!

on 5/4/16 5:50 am

Dogs trump men every day of the week!  

on 5/4/16 6:04 am
RNY on 04/06/15

Wow, what a day!  But, really, if you can't picture spending the rest of your life with him, then good for you for realizing it before things got out of hand!  My brother got swept up and married his first wife even when he had doubts.  They were only married for a year.  He is now remarried and so happy.

HW: 328 Program start weight: 309 SW:275.8 CW: 154.6 (12/14/16)

on 5/4/16 7:02 am
RNY on 08/11/14

Sorry you had such a rough decision to make but be proud of it and also be proud that you stayed on plan during a very emotional time. Hope today is better.

RNY 8/11/14 with Dr. Kelvin Higa PS Lipectomy 4/12/17 with Dr. John Burnett HW291.4/CW165/GW150

on 5/4/16 7:13 am
RNY on 08/21/12

I'm sure it was a difficult decision, but based on what you've written here before, I'm sure you knew what you were doing. And a dog is a nice reward. I hope it all works out for you.

6'3" tall, male.

Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.

M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.

on 5/4/16 10:31 am
RNY on 08/04/15

I am sorry that you are breaking up with your boyfriend.  Not because of the breakup, because you seem to know what you need to do, but because sometimes that **** hurts even when you know it's the right thing to do.  Hang in there, you're young and you have so much more in store for you.  You've just started a new journey and I'm excited to see where it will lead you. 

Age: 44 | Height: 5' 3" | Starting January 2015: 291 | RNY 8/4/15 with Dr. Arthur Carlin| Goal: 150

Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise. ~Proverbs 19:20

on 5/4/16 5:34 am
RNY on 02/19/16

Good Morning Everybody!

QOTD:  4th of July we get together with my brother's family.  He has 8 kids and 14 grandkids, plus the spouses so it's a big group of people and several of them are pyro-maniacs so there are a TON of fireworks!  Plus everyone brings food and we barbeque and hang out and watch fireworks.  It's a lot of fun to be with the whole big family.

My menu yesterday was a scrambled egg with turkey breast, string cheese sticks, steak (that stayed down!  YAY!) and an Atkin's snack bar.  My menu today will probably be similar since I have steak left over.

Exercise:  More walking with the dogs.  Blossom still gets spooked by things outside of our house, but she's getting better.  Tippy the fearless Chihuahua struts her stuff like she owns the neighborhood!  Ha Ha!

Have a super day everyone! 

~ Karen

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