So disgusted with myself!
I don't know if it's just knowing I'm working on getting the RNY or what but I'm getting worse at eating just whatever and I've gained 5 lbs since my weigh in at the clinic. I have a year to go and if it keeps up at this rate I'm going to be 300 lbs before I know it! I had my first monthly phone call with my health education program nurse this past Friday and before the end of it she told me she wants me to stop drinking soda (all carbonated drinks really). But I'm sooooo hooked on Coke and it's so hard to get off of it. I just don't know what to do!
Any words of advice? Please no bashing! I already know I'm in the wrong! TIA
this is a hard thing. I know exactly how you feel, and a year is such a long time. It took me 8 months from the time I started the process until I had surgery. I lost all of 15lbs in 7.5 months preop and then another 10 the week before. Giving up things that are addicting like caffinated soda is HARD, but coming from an ex smoker, it is something you are capable of. So, try this. Limit yourself to half of what you would normally consume this week. Whatever your normal consumption is, cut it right in half. Then next week, cut that amount in half again. Stay strong. Keep trying, even if you fail, start over again.
If we were all perfect before surgery then we wouldn't need surgery. The key is to really put for the best effort, keep it on your mind all the time, and don't give up just because it's hard.
Good luck, and be kind to yourself.
I smoked for 23 years. I quit back in 2012 because I wanted to have a baby and needed to do in vitro. No RE would do it if I was a smoker. I used the patch for about a month while I got used to not smoking. Breaking the habit is really hard. After about a month i just went cold turkey on the nicotine.
I tried Chantix and it does exactly what it tells you it will do. When I smoked while on Chantix (which they tell you to do in the beginning) it felt like I didn't smoke at all. Chantix blocks the receptors in your brain so even when you smoke it doesn't feel satisfying like it does without it. Very strange feeling to smoke and not get the instant gratification. I wasn't ready to really quit when i tried it, so it didn't work for me.
Good luck whichever way you try it. You can be successful at both smoking and changing your eating habits. keep your eyes on the prize and keep getting back up.
I gave up Diet Coke after my first meeting with my nutritionist. It was the first of many things I gave up on this journey. I've quit smoking and that was nothing compared to giving up Diet Coke, something I have failed at so many times before I can't even count. I quit DC the way I quit smoking, cold turkey. This time it was different because there was a reason to do so (I'm having the sleeve). It wasn't easy and it helped me to drink La Croix mineral water for a while. Now, 5 months later, I haven't had one DC and am off the mineral water. I drink nothing but plain old water and I love it (I would have never thought that was possible!). I used to drink upwards of 6 cans a day. I always had an open can in my car, at my desk, and next to my bed at night.
I still kind of miss it, the same way I miss smoking (6 years without a cigarette!) sometimes but I know I'm better for it.
You can do this and after a few days you'll wonder why you were so worried about.
I started this process back in November. When I decided that I would def have the RNY I think I went in to panic mode. I ate any and every thing I wanted. I gained 7 pounds while I was in the process of getting all of my appointments in and waiting to be approved by my Insurance.
I drank coke all day. I started my 2 week pre-op diet last week and after the first 4 or 5 days it got much easier. I am not good at weaning myself off of things (like coke) I do better if I have to stop completely. This week has been much easier.
It is hard at first, but it will get easier. Good luck!
I am and always will be a Coke addict. It took me years to get my addiction under control. La Croix sparkling water was the only thing stopped the cravings. It's carbonated, so it's a great substitute. But it lacks the addictive properties, so it is easy to quit once you get past the Coke cravings. It's more important to cut out the liquid calories. You can worry about the carbonation later.

Height: 5'5" HW: 290 Consultation Weight: 276 SW: 257 CW: 132
I had to give up soda and caffeine...the last time I knowingly had either(sometimes I think I get caffeine at starbucks) was November 17 2014. I remember it better than my anniversary because I.Miss.My.Coke.
But my health was worth it. I had the worlds biggest pumpkin spice latte the day before and then dove in with gusto.
I had cravings for a few months and then they got better. I hit a rough patch about 8 months out(3 months after surgery) but otherwise I am doing it!!!!