Welp I did it.

on 4/22/16 1:35 pm

I told my FB people about my decision. Here is what I said. (What do you all think?)

Well here it is! You can like it, love it or leave it. Totally up to you, but this is such a HUGE life changer that I really will need and want as many of you on my team as possible. Just know that nothing is going to change my mind, though..... That being said.....

With much thought, time, attempts, blood, sweat and tears and a ton of research- I've decided that in May of 2017 I will be having surgery for Gastric Bypass. I've already started the process with an informational session and my consult with the Bariatric Center that is in Roanoke, VA. My surgeon is young and bright (and VERY good looking! Wooohoooo Lol). I won't tell you (yet) how much I weigh but just know that I am considered Morbidly Obese. This along with several co-morbidities, I qualify for my insurance to pay for it- Luckily! I have to do 12 months of a Health Education Program through the insurance (the only requirement they have), but have a ton of requirements to do for the surgeon. (ie, stress echo, sleep study, clearance by a pulmonologist and a lung specialist, ton of bloodwork, quit smoking, lose 5-10 lbs, psych eval, meetings with a Nutritionist, attend support group meetings, and a few more minor things. I won't start the actual visits to the bariatric center until Sept. 21st of this year, but will be able to get a few of the requirements done while waiting. The closer it gets to the surgery, the busier I'll be with appts.

Now you can tell me how you feel if you want. Lol Like it or not, I still love you all to pieces!


on 4/23/16 6:00 am
RNY on 07/23/14

Quite detailed...So did you get positive responses?

Wow, I have never heard of required 12 months supervision. That will take stamina. Good Luck!

Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014

Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16

#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets



on 4/23/16 9:44 am

Yes. All have been supportive. The one person I was worried most about was my sister. BUT she was just like she know how hard it is and what all I'll need to do and that she is proud of me. YAY!

Yeah 12 months! Ugh!

on 5/1/16 6:09 am
RNY on 11/24/15

Congrats, you won't regret it I am 5 months out, following the rules, love to go shopping now. I left the hospital diabetes free and still am. Off all my meds, high blood pressure, diabetes, cpap, cholesterol meds.

Being off meds was my first goal and main reason for surgery. I am 58 and knew I would be dead at an early age if I didn't take control  I have tons of entergy and enjoying complements. I still have a ways to go to meet my goal but in reach. 

Good luck. 
