What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

Nicole K.
on 4/14/16 5:58 am - Santa Monica, CA
RNY on 02/12/16

I don't have many pictures of myself as a child, I lost my parents when I was 16 and most of my pictures in the process of a relative shuffle. I have a couple, though.

QOTD: I drive a complete POS PT Cruiser. I've had it since 2009 and it's been through a war. Like you, AV, mine's paid off and I like to drive things as long as I can when they're free. I'm in the process of buying a new Accord right now, cause I keep my cars forever. 

B: iMetabolic shake

L: Leftover shrimp and carnitas from dinner

D: Same as lunch

S: probably 1/2 of a protein shake


RNY on 2/12/2016 with Dr. Kent Sasse

First consultation weight: 309  Goal weight: 150


on 4/14/16 6:07 am
RNY on 02/19/16

So sorry to hear about you losing your parents so young, GlitterGirly.  That must have been really hard.

Nicole K.
on 4/14/16 9:33 am - Santa Monica, CA
RNY on 02/12/16

It was, I'm lucky that I had an amazing family that jumped in and took charge. 


RNY on 2/12/2016 with Dr. Kent Sasse

First consultation weight: 309  Goal weight: 150


on 4/14/16 7:54 am
RNY on 12/29/14

I was also sorry to hear about you losing your parents--both of them at the same time--and at such a tender age.  And to lose the memories of that, too.  So sorry.

Nicole K.
on 4/14/16 9:35 am - Santa Monica, CA
RNY on 02/12/16

Thankfully, I was older and I have lots of good memories in my head, I have a few pictures, just not a lot. 


RNY on 2/12/2016 with Dr. Kent Sasse

First consultation weight: 309  Goal weight: 150


on 4/14/16 8:40 am
RNY on 07/23/14

I lost my mom young, can't imagine losing both my parents. That stinks, I'm sorry. 

I too don't really have pics ... Will have to see what I can come up with. 

Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014

Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16

#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets



Nicole K.
on 4/14/16 9:37 am - Santa Monica, CA
RNY on 02/12/16

Occasionally, friends of the family find pictures and send them.  It just makes them more special to me 

I look forward to seeing what you find 


RNY on 2/12/2016 with Dr. Kent Sasse

First consultation weight: 309  Goal weight: 150


on 4/14/16 6:16 am - Canada

Good morning! Sunny weather is forecast for the next few days, so it's time to break out the patio furniture. Hooray!

QOTD:  I drive a 2001 Honda CRV AWD. The official name of the paint colour is Naples Gold Metallic. :), but the insurance papers list it as tan  :(   I love this car - great visibility, easy on gas, totally reliable, and perfect for carrying paintings and garden supplies.

Food today: roast beef, chicken, ham, with HB egg and chicken nibblers as snacks.

Calories-832, protein-119

RNY on June 23, 2014  -  HW: 280, SW: 230, CW: 166, GW: 140


on 4/14/16 6:18 am
RNY on 08/04/15

Morning AV and gang. So, my carb fest is over and I feel like I'm moderately back in control. Today is my hubby's birthday, he turns 42 today. We are officially the same age, at least for the next 6 days. I turn 43 next Wednesday and he will go back to calling me old once again.

my 2 year old was up at 4 calling for me last night, so I moved him to my bed and I never did get back to sleep. I made myself go to the gym, though I could have fallen asleep and got an extra hour. but I don't need more than 5.5 hours of sleep a night, right? sheesh. Good news is that my scale is moving again, and just in time. Work is starting a wellness challenge soon, they are challenging me to lose 2% of my body weight. I think I'll win this one, it's only 3.5lbs, and I have to lose it by June 5th. I did my official weigh in yesterday and I have already gone down a pound so I am excited about it. I wonder if someone who is just starting to lose weight will lose more than me since I've already lost 117lbs. Hmm, I'm sure they won't share stats, but I'm interested to see how everyone does. They give out prizes even! The last event gave away 10 Apple Watches, so I'm hoping to get one of those, or something fun like that.

So, QOTD. I drive a 2015 Ford Focus. It's the hatchback and it's Candy Blue. I love my sporty, cute little car. I love that it's bright blue and it makes me feel sassy. I think I left something in the trunk the last time I went grocery shopping because the last few days it's smelling a little funky. I'm going to go out on lunch today and have a look around. My car is usually messy, but it's just empty water bottles and stuff, since I don't eat in my car anymore. I know it can't be old food so it has to be something I forgot. Here it is the day I brought it home from the dealer:

Time since surgery 8 months 10 days

B: 1 egg, 1 bacon and 1 velveeta slice and coffee with cream and splenda

L: 2oz Braunschweiger, 1 velveeta slice, raw onion and mustard on half a low carb tortilla. dill pickle spear

D: 1 egg, 2 bacon, 1 slice velveeta

s: carbmaster yogurt and a quest protein shake with almond milk


Calories 850 Protein 73 Carbs 29 fat 50

I'd like my protein up, but it's that liver sausage, it's only got 8g protein for the 160 calories. But I have a craving for it, so I'll eat it today. At least my carbs are low! I asked my hubby what he wanted for dinner today since it's his birthday. His first response was Cinnabon and Little Ceasars Deep Dish Pizza. then he said bacon and eggs. He's such a good boy. I feel bad because I got a little defensive with him. I asked him what he had for dinner last night and he told me he had a bag of chips on the plane (he didn't get home until 8:45 last night from Missouri), and then I told him I had pizza while he was gone, and that I may have had a Nutty Bar on Wednesday night. His response was "You have to quit doing that." about the nutty bar. I got snippy and pointed out that it's not like I do that all the time, so the "I need to quit doing that" was inacurate, then I told him he shouldn't have had the chips. It annoyed me mightly, and now I feel guilty because it's his birthday and I had to go and get all butthurt this morning. Oh well, I'll try to make it up to him tonight.



Age: 44 | Height: 5' 3" | Starting January 2015: 291 | RNY 8/4/15 with Dr. Arthur Carlin| Goal: 150

Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise. ~Proverbs 19:20

on 4/14/16 6:34 am
RNY on 04/06/15

Cute car!! 

I am sure Hubby will be fine, I get "defensive" when my husband says stuff like that.  I try not to, but can't help it.  I dealt with a mother that gave me **** for everything I put in my mouth as a child, I don't need to hear it from anyone else!

HW: 328 Program start weight: 309 SW:275.8 CW: 154.6 (12/14/16)

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