What's On Your Monday Menu, RNYers?

on 4/11/16 8:25 am

We used to read Poky Little Puppy to our kids all the time when they were little.  They loved that book. 

on 4/11/16 11:15 am
RNY on 08/11/14

I even had a large copy of the book, it was awesome!

RNY 8/11/14 with Dr. Kelvin Higa PS Lipectomy 4/12/17 with Dr. John Burnett HW291.4/CW165/GW150

on 4/11/16 6:51 am
RNY on 07/23/14

I've got myself on a 20 minute timer to get in and get out of here....lots to do today, need to recover from the aftermath of being away this weekend.

Children's books? I remember Dr. Suess- Are you my Mother? Green eggs and Ham... When I was a little older read many many Nancy Drew Mysteries...

Did some clothes shopping yesterday. Had realized a couple of weeks ago when I was trying to pack for Phoenix I have no summer clothes, except for a few dresses that still work. I didn't think I had lost that much weight since last summer, but the smaller you are, the lest pounds you need I guess to change a size.

Found a pair of bermuda shorts in Marshalls that were the same Brand and type as a pair I bought last summer. Bandolino Ivette- last summer a tight 14, this pair I bought yesterday an 8. I highly recommend ---they fit really nice.

Also have picked up a bunch of stuff at Sam's club. When you have to go for quantity- ie, you have nothing... need to look for cheap.

Also, Have to learn not to derail when I go away for a weekend. I don't think I do, but the scale tells a different story. I don't always know if it is in the quantity, as much as the choices...too many carbs, this weekend did include candy as well...ugh. fun size and mini-size  candies aren't all that fun when you step on the scale.

B: Tea, Premier Protein

S: 1 egg, bacon

L: Turkey sausage and greek veggies mix

S: Salami/mozzarella rolls (found out Costco individually wrapped. 80c and 7g protein-I think)

D: Steak, mushrooms

S: Hot premier protein

Don't know if I will eat all the snacks, but want to have a plan.

Exercise: cleared for full exercise. Started New Exercise routine Beach Body w/Tony Horton- 22 minute Hard Corp. Also did the Cold Start warm-up so actually 30 minutes. Woop! woop! have 3 weeks to work it until my next surgery.

Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014

Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16

#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets



on 4/11/16 8:36 am, edited 4/11/16 1:37 am
RNY on 12/23/14

Hijacking this post to say-

CONGRATS TO GRIM AND JUNIPER BERRY.   So happy for you both.

Back to regular programming...

But thanks to all of you for the wonderful menu posts for us lurkers. I'm hoping to join you over my summer break when I have more time. Although- I may be still sleeping....

Hugs on the loss of your friend, AV. He sounds like a tremendous guy. When my stepfather died too soon at 60- the priest told our family that once we have completed our mission on Earth, God will reward us by giving us our eternal reward. Mark must have been such a good guy, he was rewarded very early. Blessings to you during this time.

Make it a great week, everyone!



RNY on December 23, 2014 with Dr. Michael Greene

Start Weight- 225 Surgery Weight- 218 2 wk- 208 6 wk- 198 10 wk- 181 14wk-179 18 wk-172 21 wk- 168 25 wk- 162. 29 wk- 158. Mo 8 - 155

Mo 9- 150 Mo 10-148. Mo 12-145  CW 140

on 4/11/16 8:44 am
RNY on 07/17/14

Debbie, that's very sweet.  Thank you. 





on 4/11/16 3:49 pm - baldwinsville, NY
On April 11, 2016 at 1:51 PM Pacific Time, NYMom222 wrote:

I've got myself on a 20 minute timer to get in and get out of here....lots to do today, need to recover from the aftermath of being away this weekend.

Children's books? I remember Dr. Suess- Are you my Mother? Green eggs and Ham... When I was a little older read many many Nancy Drew Mysteries...

Did some clothes shopping yesterday. Had realized a couple of weeks ago when I was trying to pack for Phoenix I have no summer clothes, except for a few dresses that still work. I didn't think I had lost that much weight since last summer, but the smaller you are, the lest pounds you need I guess to change a size.

Found a pair of bermuda shorts in Marshalls that were the same Brand and type as a pair I bought last summer. Bandolino Ivette- last summer a tight 14, this pair I bought yesterday an 8. I highly recommend ---they fit really nice.

Also have picked up a bunch of stuff at Sam's club. When you have to go for quantity- ie, you have nothing... need to look for cheap.

Also, Have to learn not to derail when I go away for a weekend. I don't think I do, but the scale tells a different story. I don't always know if it is in the quantity, as much as the choices...too many carbs, this weekend did include candy as well...ugh. fun size and mini-size  candies aren't all that fun when you step on the scale.

B: Tea, Premier Protein

S: 1 egg, bacon

L: Turkey sausage and greek veggies mix

S: Salami/mozzarella rolls (found out Costco individually wrapped. 80c and 7g protein-I think)

D: Steak, mushrooms

S: Hot premier protein

Don't know if I will eat all the snacks, but want to have a plan.

Exercise: cleared for full exercise. Started New Exercise routine Beach Body w/Tony Horton- 22 minute Hard Corp. Also did the Cold Start warm-up so actually 30 minutes. Woop! woop! have 3 weeks to work it until my next surgery.

I need to borrow your timer!!

(deactivated member)
on 4/11/16 8:37 am

I love children's books.  My favorite is Where Wild things are I loved that book since I was a little kid. Any time someone has a baby I buy it for them. I also love Harry the Dirty Dog. I love Bad Kitty. I love books by Jan Brett the artwork in them is amazing. I love the Mitten. 

As you can see I have a lot of favorites. I hope one day to have one published myself. I need to step out of my safe box and just finish the one I have been writing for years.

I went to breakfast with a friend of mine. I couldn't eat it so I had it wrapped and came home and ate something else.

B:48oz of coffee and Quest banana bar

L:My egg white omelet from breakfast

D:Mad a huge pot of a chicken sausage soup I don't have a recipe I just wing it

Have a great day. 

on 4/11/16 9:02 am
VSG on 05/12/14

Happy Monday, everyone!  Kristen, glad to hear you survived your weekend.  I read the article.  He truly seemed like a great man.

My weekend was good.  I had the Hollywood Half Marathon on Saturday.  I took away a few things from that run.  (1) my sister in law and I can train together, but we should not run races together; (2) the part of the city where the run was is called the Hollywood Hills for a reason; (3) when picking a run, you should inquire how many porta potties will be on the route; (4) having to run past the finish line to a turn around spot at 12 miles is psychologically damaging; and (5) trying to cram your body into the back of an Audi A3 after running 13.1 miles and walking another 4 to and from the event leads to cramps in muscles you didn't even know you had.  My time wasn't bad for hills, our official time looks really bad, but that's because we stood in like for 15 MINUTES waiting for a porta potty at mile 8.  Oh, and my food this weekend SUCKED!  We split an order of blueberry pancakes after the run, and I may or may not have had some french fries at some point during the weekend.  Also, I have an endoscopy tomorrow and my Dr. ordered me to be on clear liquids today.  So, I may or may not have overcompensated a bit yesterday . . . I mean honestly . . . the way I was behaving you'd think I was going to be off of solid food forever.  The scale reflected my less than stellar choices (although honestly after I run a 1/2, my weight is always up), so I'm hoping that my day of liquids will show a loss (even though it will be an artificial one)

KQOTD:  Growing up my all time favorite book was A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.  Love it . . . still do.

Admit it, I know you all are going to be jealous of menu for the day:

B: Chamomile Tea and Chicken broth

S: Orange Jello and low sugar apple juice

L: Chicken Broth (of if I can't take the plain broth I'll walk to the deli and get matzo ball soup without the matzo ball, noodles, chicken or veggies . . . in other words chicken broth)

S: orange jello and low sugar apple juice

D: Probably some chicken broth

I'm living the dream, people, living the dream.


on 4/11/16 9:35 am
RNY on 08/04/15

I really like chicken soup without the noodles, etc. way better than plain old chicken broth.  It's so much tastier.

Good luck on your endo tomorrow.

Age: 44 | Height: 5' 3" | Starting January 2015: 291 | RNY 8/4/15 with Dr. Arthur Carlin| Goal: 150

Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise. ~Proverbs 19:20

on 4/11/16 1:28 pm
VSG on 05/12/14

Thank you!  I'm sipping on Progresso Chicken broth and it's not bad!  I think I'll save the deli chicken soup for my dinner!

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