Roux-en-Y takedown/reversal Oct. 2014 with persistent complications.
THIS is why you attract negativity. You are so passive aggressive slagging Kat W off to Selhard, while of course not mentioning her by name, because that would be flat out aggressive and wouldn't play into your need for "poor me" victim status.
If you were a nicer person, you would get more support.
You'll notice I didn't bother to veil my response with passive. You have history, so I'm sure while some of us that have been here a while are not your target audience, there will be enough newbies to pat your hand after you've scared the ever loving crap out of them.
I am sorry you've had complications and I'm glad you have found someone to bond with. I'm sure PM will be very comfortable for you both.
I hope you are able to get on with your lifenow you've had your takedown .
Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist
Strangely this post wasn't made to you, but it was the response to your post that was used as an opportunity to bash someone, its the only time i mentioned your name.
You want to offer her sympathy? I don't see anyone trying to stop you, certainly not me!
Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist
CS's post wasn't made for you, either, but you responded to it. Strangely.
If you weren't referring to me, then who were you referring to when you said, "I am glad you found someone to bond with" and "I am sure PM will be comfortable for you both?"
Personally, I don't see anyone trying to stop you from "slamming" CS, either. What do you get from it?
on 3/31/16 8:09 am, edited 3/31/16 1:17 am
Funny, it looks like you've gotten PLENTY of support in the past. Example! Example 2!
Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
I relate to your postings.My Ryn was in 2009. 2 years later I was near death my Doc did a complete takedown. 2011. Too many complications to list. 5 years went by. I gained weight back but felt good. Was told I have chronic kidney failure. Too many meds acid reduce rs. I am now in stage 4. Been in hospital aug and sept and so many test that have been been fine. Havent had any nutrition in 7months. Have lost 70 lbs. No meds can help. I keep a thick Phelan. That doesnt allow room for anything good. Had cancer removed from one kidney. I now have no strength. Stay in bed. When someone ask me if I regret having weight loss surgery. Honestly YES
IMHO - If I understand your post, you are about a month post-WLS, even if we had few/no complications, many of felt like you do at this stage.
As with any major life decision, I suggest you suspend a final verdict for a year and then look back and evaluate the procedure from the perspective of thaa year out and see where you are then.
Here's hoping that your disappointment/lack of confidence is premature.
I find that i am in a position of taking my own advice. I had shoulder surgery about 2 weeks ago - after 9 months of shots, pt, and pain. My shoulder has not calmed down 4 days after my first post surgery PT. PT aggravated the joint so much that I do not want to return to PT and, after posting my reply to you, realized that I cannot even imagine a time when my shoulder is not causing constant pain. Now, i can't find a comfortable position to sit, rest or sleep, although i could in the few days before i started pt.
I cannot fairly decide that it will never get better this soon after shoulder surgery, any more than you determine that your WLS was a mistake this soon after surgery.
Here's to working through the pain and aggravation that are mere stumbling blocks to full recovery. I insert the word 'mere' to help me go back to PT.
i cannot guarentee your WLS will be a success, but i can tell you that your are in major healing and adjustment for 3 months post-WLS. I hope that things improve for you. Most everything did for me post-WSL. i am going to focus on believing that my shoulder will heal also.
And take my drs advise and go back to pt.