Tramadol...FDA, call,email, do something...
So I never got a response from my last post (latest data was 2011). I think it's time we call or email the FDA concerning Tramadol...If it is being black boxed. Below are the phone numbers and emails. If it is true, we are being discriminated by the government. Also RNY patients with liver problems, this is the ONLY real choice for pain relief...Without much side effects. Write and call...Your voice counts. Brian
Sarah Peddicord
You may want to stress things like the ADA...Americans with Disabilities Act. Call your person in Congress...Don't know if it's on the list, but if it is...It's going to be a huge headache for RNY patients who suffer in great pain!! Brian
sorry.. are you implying that RNY is a form of a disability????
Black box means more warning and more attention to people who use or abuse that...
Sure, I rather take a pill at the end of the day than to think how otherwise I can limit my pains..
I do use tens units, and I go for massages and acupuncture... plus exercise...
pain pills are suppose to be a last resort... it becomes "way of life" for way too many people...
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
^^^^^ so much this! Way too many people abuse these drugs and i, for one, am not willing to deal with the social problems caused by people who get hooked and are using way after the pain need is gone. I'm glad something is being done to stop over prescribing.
If you genuinely NEED these drugs you'll get them.
Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist
Not quite sure what you are getting at here. Many, many meds have a black box warning. It doesn't mean they cannot/will not be prescribed. It also does not mean that they should not.
It is a higher level warning - a literal black box containing possible extra risks for certain individuals. If you've got a good doc they will consider the warning and prescribe (or not) based upon how much of that information applies to you. Doctors and psychiatrists deal with an unimaginable list of medications. If the black box makes them pause for even a moment to make sure that a specific med is appropriate for you, I'm not understanding how that is a bad thing.
Tramadol is a Very Bad Drug For Many, There is a Real Reason it''s Black Boxed. I was given Tramadol, December 8th, I Collapsed on my living room floor and was unconious for over 2 hours. My body twitching. My husband was there. I woke up in the ER after they had injected medication to bring me out of it. I didnt know about the EMT's at my home, or the ambulance running hot with siren. They said I had a Severe Seisure and that Tramadol causes Seizures. My father took it as well, last year, and was having mini Seizures throughout the days, till they figured out its the Tramadol. My hospital doctor told me, Don't ever take Tramadol. The ER worked very hard to bring me back, I had two IV's , in a gown, no recollection of anything. You may be shocked I'm saying this, I know I was ......I didn't think Tramadol was a very strong Med anyway, I thought it was mild compared to others?, ...Now you know why it's Black Boxed, if I call the FDA I will tell them this, I'm sorry it's worked so well for you and is now hard to get, that would be frustrating, but later in life you may experience some Seisure issues like my father from long term use. I hope not and Good Luck To You.

Height 5'4
S.W. 251
C.W. 129
G.W. 125