How different do people treat you now?
Yesterday, someone in my company from another department, who I definitely formally met last year and then attended a couple meetings with, introduced himself to me... "Hi, I'm so and so, we haven't met..."
I didn't correct him

I do feel like people treat me differently at the gym. At least that is my perception. My daughters tell me that I had my "***** face" on when I went to the gym before. However, I felt like I was invisible. People wouldn't even look at me much less speak to me. Now people are friendly, not overly friendly, but smile, say hi, etc.
No one i****ting on me except for my husband . . . he is chasing me around the house. My kids are so grossed out. It's hilarious!
Something new happens so I asked my DH, "when passing a man and he nods his head is he somehow giving me his nod of approval?" His snarky answer, "only if you're out looking for it." Anyway, I heard about a husband who couldn't chase his wife around the house because she kept stopping. Come on, phibbmom, really gross your kids out and stop, too.
Er....I was kinda Introverted and off (Gibbs face) when I was obese...Now that I am only around 119 I still have the stare of death and keep people away. That is just me, and because I was abused physically and sexually as a child. So I will NEVER be a friendly person. People seem to see the "mean face" or "Keep away" face I have and leave me alone no matter what I weigh....The fact I have big intimidating dogs (Rottweilers) only keeps people farther away. I like that. Idle chit chat irritates me and I find it boring. (No disrespect).