Flavorless Protein
The closest place for me to purchase flavorless protein is at a GNC thats an hour away and I am going friday. Any suggestions on what to look for or do you have a favorite? I planned to order Isopure from amazon but the days flew by and surgery is Monday already! Does anyone like that product? Im getting all my protein in easily now but I am so sick of sweet shakes and I find I have to chug a few flavors just to get it down. Obviously thats a huge no no after surgery!
Celebrate makes a unflavored in their Protein 20 line www.celebratevitamins.com that easy mixes into things.
Unjury and BiPro both have unflavored too. All available online.
My favorites are all flavored. I jazz them up... https://www.pinterest.com/eggface/protein-shakes-and-smoothi es/ I'm sure you've heard this before but tastes change a bit post-op and what you love before you might not after (at least for awhile) so if you can get single serving packets I'd aim for those for a few weeks till you find some you enjoy.
Best wishes on your surgery.