Hey March Surgery buddies- Continuing to Prep...9 days to go

on 3/7/16 6:30 am
RNY on 03/16/16

...not including today!

For my March surgery buddies- post some of your prep on this string so we can learn from each other.

  • have been having protein in my coffee for a few weeks now- it makes such a difference in my morning
  • starting my pre op diet a little early 
    •    my dr. pre op is a low fat, low carb, no sugar diet- healthy eating- which is how we normally eat at home before i started to have last supperitis
    • back to  protien drinks in am, chicken / veg at lunch, tonight is chili for dinner.
    • at least 64 oz water
  • I dont like aspartame so i made my own sugar free popsicles. 
    •    used frozen blueberries, thawed them, used the juice and lots of water (mostly water) some "swerve" a new sweeterner for low carb low sugar diet
  • I bought an all natural gelatin to make my own sugar free jello with swerve or splenda- again b/c i dont like aspartame, turns out it as 18 grams or protein in it! imagine! getting protein in the sugar free jello. Just have to decide what fruit to use.
  • I have to drink a bottle of Magnesium Citrate the day before my surgery- so i tried it out this weekend to see how it would affect me. goign to have to start it a little earlier b/c its still working ... 
  • Made all child care arrangements and for a friend to come to the hospital when my husband is not there.
  • scouring the boards for advice.
  • practiced making dinner for Hubs and daughter and sat with them, not eating
  • practicing not licking my finger when i make nutella sandwiches for daughter.
  • heightened awareness of every time i reach for food mindlessly


What i have not done

  • purees of meat - i will have time off work during my recovery period and am going to use that to prep phase 2

Have a great week!


Lapband removal May 2014

RNY March 16, 2016    HW 258/ SW 249 / CW  235 / GW 149 (my goal. surgeons goal 170)


on 3/7/16 10:58 am - Brighton, IL

Wow! With all this prep you are going to do amazing!



on 3/7/16 1:42 pm

You are on it girl! Keep up this and you will be on the losers bench so, if not already.

Thanks for the post and good luck on your surgery.


on 3/7/16 9:28 pm
RNY on 03/23/16

Following this - I have surgery on 03.23, and start my pre-op diet in 1 day (Wednesday).  I bought 5 cases of protein shakes from Costco today (Premier Protien liquid).  I am only allowed to drink those, water, broth, sf jello & sf Popsicles for the next 2 weeks.

i have ideas for kid care - just need to finalize the whole situation this week.  We talked to the kids about it at dinner tonight, so they know I'm having surgery - but not a lot of details.  My 10 year old is pretty perceptive so I'm glad we said something.  She can't comprehend that soon she will be eating far more at a meal than I do. :)

Continuing to try to not drink water with meals.  This is sooooo freaking hard for me!!  I have dropped most caffeine & soda - bu****er with meals is tough!


on 3/10/16 6:34 am
RNY on 03/23/16

I am on day two of Optifast. So far so good. 

My sugar was a little out of whack yesterday but I am learning that this is my body getting used to the change. It's been this way for 40 years. 

My daughters are great. They made their own dinner last night. I am trying to get them to be responsible for their own eating.

I am ironically not hungry. It really is mind over matter. It's my mind that craves food. Although when my belly grumbled and ached a bit I knew it was time for something.


Have a great day. 

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