2 1/2 years later.
you're right huger is no emergency, the pain from my stomach spasms, the hydration from my constant over bearing diarrhea, and blacking out randomly when having a bad stomach spasm can be. now i feel i didn't explain myself very well in my above post. i only eat 5 times a day 2 being in-between meals. 3 being real meals. each real meal is only a cup and half of food at most. the two side meals are usually about 3/4 a cup. and i have severe diarrhea about 5-10 minutes after each meal. i wont jump to a revision without my new doc approving or going through every option beforehand. i definitely don't want one if i don't need one. i do appreciate the advice and response. :)
thank you
on 2/3/16 3:30 pm - WI
It sounds like you are doing everything right on the eating front (low carb, small portions) If you are eating so little, eating all the right foods, and it all runs right through you so quickly that you can't possibly absorb the food calories, how did you gain 50 pounds?