What's On Your Tuesday Menu, RNYers?

on 1/26/16 9:14 am
RNY on 03/30/15

First, my fair friends, I will address the question. As a bigger girl i always wore pants. Temperature didn't matter. Now I have some cute dresses, was rocking one one day and a coworker came up to me and told me I looked great but needed a tan..... Then I showed her my tan line. Serves her right! 

As for food... It's gonna be a crap shoot today. Was at worj until 130 am, got up, took the kids to school and was at work by 930,only to realize I have a 5 o'clock meeting so my day was totally thrown. It will be protein forward... Just not sure what. 

on 1/26/16 2:13 pm
RNY on 03/30/15

I know it is late in the day, but for accountability sake I am posting

vanilla shake with decaf americano and sugar free peppermint

piece of pizza with canadian bacon(low carb crust)

Quest protein chips with 1/2 container of fage and 3 tbs salsa

cheese stick

1/2 stuffed chicken breast


cal 715 protein 98 cabr 23 fat 28

on 1/26/16 9:26 am
RNY on 12/29/14

I am always about the last person to post--just the way my family routine goes.

B: plain Fage yogurt (1/3 cup) with 1 lemon curd, 10 raspberries, 2T oat cereal

L: stewed chicken with tomatoes and basil and brocolli

D:  Roast beef and beans (making au jus sandwiches for the gang--I will just not have the bread)

S1: leftover lentils from the Indian restaurant--this will be the backup snack in case

S2: Vanilla Kind bar--this will be for the "kids home" time

And now, reporting on the "Bleaching My Teeth to Avoid Grazing" experiment. 

Well, it worked, but I HATED it.  I felt like my jaw was wired shut.  I could do it again. I don't think you are supposed to bleach your teeth every day, but I could wear the trays. I could. But I do not want to.

But because I could not put that food in my mouth, I was more aware of all the times I wanted to.  And so the experience really showed me some of the triggers I have for grazing at that time of day (kids arriving home from school until dinner).  It is definitely a stress response.  First, they all have an after-school snack.   But mostly, it is just a very busy time of the day.  It is not that my kids are difficult--it is just the nature of things at this time of the day, and I am unable to really focus on anything.

A given day at this time is likely to include:

Homework--music practice--sneaky TV or Nintendo and me giving in if it is "Parks and Rec," so there is a lot of laughing--kids' friends in and out since we are the hangout place for the kids around here ages of 10-14; I send them to the basement, but they are up and down--dog all excited for all the kids and kids all excited about the dog--dog chewing Legos and used tissues because she is so excited and the kids have forgotten to close the gates to the "no dog" areas of the house--kids trying to train the dog to roll over or play dead--kids riding the Christmas hoverboard all over the kitchen and main floor--my high school senior having his daily mom time about his plans for his homework, or his sports practices, or about a new part time job, or for college, or for volunteer work, or for who could he call about x could I look up their numbers, or for everything in his future--me reminding the HS senior to check on all his application deadlines and transcripts and test scores--helping the kids with computer glitches or math or fact checking--telling all the neighborhood gang including my kids in the basement their brains are turning to mush so turn off the Wii and play some board games or go walk the dog since there is a break in the snow--listening to the 11-yr-old whine about something--trying to help the jr high kid remember that yes he is truly capable and has as good a chance as anyone to get the part--helping him find a new monologue or the song in the right key--telling the kids to stop fighting RIGHT NOW--a school project team meeting that a son arranged without asking me first and it is at our house so kids are arriving--people calling--people texting--running kids to lessons--trying to make dinner--husband calling to check in, he will be late, have we finalized our spring break plans, how are we paying for x, has the roofer come to repair the leak--etc etc etc.

I know.  It sounds like I need to be more organized.  I am, kind of--I used to manage a team of 100 professionals damn it!  But this is a different time and place.  My kids are not little anymore but they are here and I am here.  I want them to talk with me whenever they want to, and I want all their friends to come over and this to the happy safe house, and I love how they love the dog, and I love hearing them laugh over Just Dance on the Wii, and I love it that my HS son talks with me about his future.  All this is why I gave up the managing of the professionals for this period of time. It is also why I am not always sure how to pay for x. 

So, that bleach stuff was in my mouth, and I kept wanting to put food in it.  Definitely a stress response.

What finally worked best, was I sat down and had a big snack, something that was really filling.  Then even if I wanted to put food in my mouth, my body reminded me I did not want it.  This is what I will do today.  Right when the kids come in and have their snack, I will sit down with them and have mine, and I will make it a filling and yummy one.

(and if you actually read all that--you are amazing, my friend!)

on 1/26/16 9:33 am
RNY on 12/29/14

p.s. I am finally back to the weight I was at just before Christmas!  1/2 pound to go until I have lost 100 pounds!  I don't know why I can't get the ticker to show this correctly.  I am very excited about this milestone.

on 1/26/16 11:06 am - Brighton, IL

Yes I read the whole post and just had to say that you,my dear,have your priorities right. Enjoy every minute with your children now and always have time for them because before you know it they will be moved out and far away. You can't get this special time back. And I think your idea of a yummy snack with them is the perfect plan. What an amazing mom!



on 1/26/16 9:24 pm
RNY on 12/29/14

Thank you!  The snack went well.  Today went much better than yesterday, even without the teeth trays.  ;-)

on 1/26/16 9:28 am
VSG on 05/12/14

Good morning!  I'm pretty pale too and the dark circles under my eyes are a lovely new addition.  I didn't think about the iron correlation.  I supplement iron 3x a week.  Maybe I should consider adding another day. Hmmm.  I have that pH monitoring test on Thursday so I had to stop taking my PPI and the acid is KILLING me.  It's so bad that I really don't want to eat anything, because everything triggers hours of misery.  By the time the pain/pressure subsides, it's time to eat again.  All I've really wanted to eat was crackers or bread (says the girl who hasn't had a piece of bread since February, 2014.)  Can't wait until Thursday.  Exercise is up in the air for me today.  A friend may bring one of her friends to the kick boxing class we take on Tuesday, so if she does that, I'll take class.  If not, I'll do a training run with my sister in law.  The 1/2 marathon is 100 days away, so I need to really get into training mode.  With that said, here's my plan.

B: Turkey, spinach and cheese

L: Left over tri tip and broccoli slaw

D: Pork chop and pear and gorgonzola salad

S: light and fit and PB. SF latte (I had a free drink at Starbucks that was going to expire tomorrow so I figured that since today was a workout day, I might as well use it so I don't lose it.  Good excuse, right??)  I also have some ritz crackers with me for when the pain starts.  I'm going to try and resist, but resistance may be futile.

Totals: 864; Protein: 98g; Fat: 37g; Carbs: 42g (total doesn't include the Ritz crackers)

Have a great day, everyone!


on 1/26/16 9:53 am

Ok I'm not going to blab on like I usually do.

My pouch feels off today, not sure why. I'm just going to get down my fluids and move on.

My 6 weeks post op appt is tomm. wish me luck


B: same old gnc wheybolic chocolate

S: decaf coffee with miralax

L; teryaki chicken meatball

D: not sure yet- going to kroger for a tiny bit of shopping

S: yogurt likely

E: planning on a dvd for yoga/pilates later after the grocery trip


HW 305 SW 278 Surgery weight 225 GW 160 LW: 118.8

RNY 12/15/2015,

GB removal 09/2016,

Twisted bowel/hernia repair 08/2017

M1 Dec 2015-13.0, M2-7.0, M3-14.5, M4-9.4, M5-7.1, M6 9.8, M7-7.6 ,M8- 7.6, M-9 5.5, M10-6.4, M11- 2.2, M12 Dec 2016- 5.8

on 1/26/16 1:07 pm

I forgot to say I'm the whitest person in all the planet. Ok, maybe not the planet. My DH could spot me on a crowded beach = he just looked for someone so white they were glowing and that was me!

I've always been super pale and I've always had iron issues. Got an awesome genetic blood disorder from my mom's side so anemia is always an issue!

HW 305 SW 278 Surgery weight 225 GW 160 LW: 118.8

RNY 12/15/2015,

GB removal 09/2016,

Twisted bowel/hernia repair 08/2017

M1 Dec 2015-13.0, M2-7.0, M3-14.5, M4-9.4, M5-7.1, M6 9.8, M7-7.6 ,M8- 7.6, M-9 5.5, M10-6.4, M11- 2.2, M12 Dec 2016- 5.8

on 1/26/16 10:11 am


I have done the tanning lotion before and it works great. Actually I may get some as well since I am pretty pale too..Congratulations on your weight loss. I agree, I could not have been so successful without this place. Love to you all.


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