Weight loss stalled already
on 1/20/16 8:39 am
Stalls will drive you crazy. I lost around 12 lbs. the first week after surgery then lost nothing and I mean not even an ounce for the next 3 weeks. I weighed myself every day and kept thinking this has got to be a joke to go thru all of this and then lose only 12 lbs what the heck. When I went for my month follow-up with my surgeon he told me that there was no way I was following the plan (which I was) cause I would have lost more, then the next sentence he told me I wouldn't lose as fast as some people because I'm short and didn't have that much to lose.
I wanted to strangle him lol. Then all of a sudden the weight came off. As of today a little over 2 months out I have lost 35 lbs. I had already lost 34 lbs. prior to surgery. So just keep getting your protein in and the surgery will work.
Everyone else covered the stall issue.
The protein I really liked, and is good quality, is a brand called Chocorite. It mixes easily, don't seem sickeningly sweet to me, and the stats are good. It's not a brand I see people suggest, but I had good luck with it. That being said, I'm not a fan of their vanilla flavor.
A lot of people here like the Premier Protein ready to drink shakes. They're super convenient to just take with you if you're out and about.
I woke up in between a memory and a dream...
Tom Petty
So, you are down 20 pounds in the 5.5 weeks since your surgery. Not bad!!!
Remain 100% compliant, don't weigh for 2 weeks, and I suspect you will be pleasantly surprised. Your body is just adjusting to post-op conditions.
Its fine, don't freak, everything will be okay. You are stalled and will stall again most likely. It is a normal part of the process. I stalled and freaked and someone reached out and said to just chill. I have since learned that we stall for many reasons. I stall even now (one year out) when I come to the next ten pound increment. Like 250 to 240, 200 to 190. I also stall when I have been at a weight for a long time going up the scale instead of down. I stalled in the early days because of metabolism and frankly, I think it was because my body/mind could not believe what was happening. But I am ten pounds from my goal weight and life is wonderful. Its a journey and thank God for that. If it was just down down down we could not learn about our bodies or let our minds adjust to a new way of living. Maybe try and walk 15 minutes or whatever you can. For me, sugar and carbs really slow things down and I do my best to avoid them. Make sure you are drinking the total 64 oz. I promise it will be okay and your body is learning how to help you.