Cold weather runners/walkers?
So I really enjoy walking/jogging outside. I live in New Hampshire, so it gets COLD COLD COLD here in the Winter. This morning I went for a walk this morning, a quick 15 minute walk mind you, and it was about 15 degrees. I thought I was going to never feel my feet again!! SOOOO COLD.
Any suggestions on cold weather, outdoor gear? Socks? Leggings? Outerwear? Traction things for my shoes so I have less of a chance of killing myself on slippery paths/sidewalks?
I do my winter running inside on the treadmill, but I have used these before when I go hiking in the winter: They work pretty well, and would probably be worth a try.
150 lost and maintaining!
I don't really run/walk in the cold, when I did I had to dress up like a little eskimo. I do like to bike ride so you'll have to make an investment in clothes that will keep you warm but will let you breathe. Check out stores like Modells & Sports Authority.
I usually wear winter tights, wool socks, sometimes I use those heat warmers that get hot when exposed to air, I put them in my gloves/put on the bottom of my socks.
Layer, layer, layer! I used to work outdoors in my old job & you can always peel off layers if you need to. I usually have a base fleece shirt, followed by a regular shirt/jersey. Then I'd have a wooly thin jacket/a kind of jacket made for cold weather, if needed I'd wear a waterproof jacket on top of it. I have a thin scarf to wear around my chin & neck & a thin hat under my helmet.
I know it sounds like a lot, but I hate being cold!

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel