New experience with food and it wasn't good...please help me figure this out.
i am really trying to figure out what happened yesterday. I do realize I have to really think when eating hot foods because I tend to eat them fast I like the warmth of the food because it feels good in this really cold weather. Here are the events of the day:
8 am had breakfast.....yogurt, blueberries, 1oz of sausage
1 pm lunch.... 2 oz of ground turkey burger, 2 oz of Swiss cheese, 4 corn chips
Here is the problem I either ate it to fast or didn't chew enough or maybe it was to dense. I thought I felt o****il I tried to eat dinner.
7:30 dinner..... Tried to eat an almonds and then a bite of sliced turkey and my stomach left like the door had closed and I couldn't get anything down even water left horrible. I started to burp and feel sick to my stomach and eventually thru up.
9:15 I felt hungry but didn't eat so when I got home from work I thought I should get some water in and had 3 sips of hot tea and it just didn't go down well so I stopped. Went to bed instead.
1 am woke up and felt horrible, burping and again thru up the tea.
Please tell me what you think went on. Did it all stem from my lunch? If water goes right thru you why wouldn't the tea go down? Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated so I don't do this
If food is stuck, liquids won't get past it and make you throw up. One experience with this isn't necessarily a stricture. But keep your eye out on it. My mantra in the beginning was chew well, small bites and keep it moist. Almonds and turkey both sound dry. Chew to applesauce consistency. I once had a dry piece of turkey burger stuck to 2 hours before I was able to throw it up and get relief.
If it was turkey cold cuts I am almost 18 months out and it still hurts if I try and eat that.
Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014
Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16
#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets
on 1/5/16 9:38 am
How long ago was your surgery?

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat
on 1/5/16 4:23 pm
My surgery was Nov. 12 so I am almost 2 months. I ate this am ( protein bar) any everything went down ok. This constant thought of what can I eat and what can't I on a trial and error is probably one of the hardest part of this process.
Okay, so that makes sense, I would guess that you had the "foamies" because something got stuck. Usually I could tell as I had all this mucus that would come up -- but sometimes not -- it just felt like nothing could get past. My first instinct was to drink something but that is literally the WORSE thing to do.
It's a MISERABLE FEELING -- and you either just have to wait for it to pass (it can take quite a while!) or throw it up. You may want to get some papaya enzymes from the health food/vitamin store. They did help me when I was in that state. This does get better as you get further out. Honest. I had this issue every so often from months 3 to 7. The first time was after eating tuna fish of all things. Sometimes it would happen eating a food that had been just fine before! I haven't had this issue now in over a year (knock on wood).
However, that said, the first three months are prime time to develop a stricture -- so if it seems to get worse or happens ALL the time -- it's best to get it checked out.

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat
Turkey burger, sausage, sliced turkey, almonds, are all pretty dry... High protein dips are great to help move drier foods along... Greek Yogurt mixed with herbs, seasonings, a little pesto.
Also... I find piping hot foods sort of seize up everything a bit and I eat less (good and bad.)
Chew a few more times than you think you need.
Lying down on my right side seemed to help food whenever it got stuck.
I've learned that if I walk around and raise my arms over my head it seems to help!
Sounds like we are all a bit loony! lol
I am 7 weeks post op today and have had trouble with ham and scrambled eggs.
No matter how I try to eat them.
I think they just might be on my "no fly" list.

Referral made Sept 2014 / RNY @ TWH Nov 17, 2015 - Dr T Jackson
Height: 5' 10" | Born: 1966
Lost on 2 weeks Opti - 14.4
Post Surgery - M1 - 16.4| M2 - 16 | M3 - 16.2 | M4 - 10 | M5 - 10 | M6 - 6.2 | M7 - 6.2 | M8 - 1.6 | M9 - 3.6 | M10 - 2.4
It SEEMS like eggs would go down easily, but lots of people have trouble with them. I'm not sure what kind of ham it was, but deli ham was a staple for me. It's moist, and sliced thin, it chewed up really well.
6'3" tall, male.
Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.
M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.