What's On Your Monday Menu, RNYers?
Good morning,
I could have used another day off also, alas it is not to be.
Work Christmas party was fun, great to see all the little kids having a blast playing all the games and visiting with Santa. My poor daughter ended up staying home since she has the cold that I had last week and was sneezing like crazy. She gets her present anyway.
I finally had my hair cut short on Saturday, it was way too long, stringy and dry. Cannot believe how long and thin my neck looks like now. I would post a pic if I could, but since I am apparently not even tech savvy enough to properly delete my old signature so it still shows up even with the new. I guess I will just have to delete my account and start over.
Weight loss is still at a standstill, but the inches are falling off. My size 14's are all too big now and I really don't have time to shop for myself until after Christmas. Hopefully I can sneak in a couple of new items while shopping for the girls.
Time since surgery: 7+ months
B: Quest Bar & Coffee
L: Egg Salad, 1 pc of Organic Honey Wheat Bread (I know, but I just had to)
D: Chicken, green beans, cauliflower
S: Dannon L&F greek, Babybel
Cals: 663 Carbs:72 Protien:60 Fat: 22
Too many carbs, too little protein. May have to tweak this a bit.

Breakfast: Egg whites with turkey sausage.
Snack: Yoplait Greek Yogurt.
Lunch: Grilled Southwest Chicken Salad w/Cilantro Dressing
Snack: Hummus and Bell Peppers
Dinner: Mediterranean Chicken and Veggies.
Focusing on drinking more water throughout the day, I have been really bad lately and not drinking near enough.
What a freaking weekend we had! Someone came and looked at our house Friday afternoon, she decided to buy the house...CASH. But needs us out by the 15th!!!! You know....not even 2 weeks away. AAAHHHHHH So we got her to give us until the 21st. BUT she needed our garage EMPTY so she can start moving her **** in on this Wednesday!! So we will be moving in with my parents for a little bit. Pray for us ALL....ugh
So this weekend was spent getting a storage unit, emptying our garage and shed, starting to pack the house up and just running around like crazy people!! THEN we put an offer on a house that we lOVED when we saw it a while back, They accepted, thank goodness. So we are supposes to close on February 4th for the new house. PLEASE let it not go further than that, the less time my family of 6 is at my parent's house the better....for everyone involved!!
So needless to say this weekend was FULL of last minute food decisions that were not the best, but **** got done, and that is what needed to happen! Next weekend we will be moving the house stuff out, eeeekkkk. SO MUCH TO DO. All this while both of us working full time with 4 kids. HAHAHAHA I may go crazy before everything is said and done. YIKES
8 Months since surgery
B: 3/4c 1% milk, 1 scoop Syntrax milk chocolate
L: 3/4c homemade chili, with 1oz shredded cheese
D: 1.5oz corned beef with 1/4c roasted carrots
S: (throughout the day) 2 Baybel light cheese, Dannon L&F Greek yogurt, hummus with baked parm crisps
Totals: Cals: 835 Protein: 92 Carbs: 45 Fat: 32
Weekends are hard for me. I don't do anything on the weekends except play with my daughter and clean. Makes me miss her dad and then I end up moping around lonely.
Time since surgery: 7 months
B: Protein coffee and eggface crustless quiche bites
S: 1/2 protein bar + 1/2 pckg. thinaddictives pistachio(i wish i could dip this in my coffee)
L: protein shake
D: ground turkey and spaghetti squash "pasta"
TOTALS : Cals: 551 Protein: 76 Carbs: 26 Fat: 14

Height: 5'5" HW: 370 SW: 363 CW: 177 RNY: 4/28/15
You should do something on the weekend. Do a swimming class with your daughter. Or, maybe find a local art class. I hate sitting and doing nothing if my hubby is out of town. Mind you, he's not military, and is rare he's gone on the weekend (3 weekends total this year), but I make plans to be out and about as much as possible.
I can't imagine how hard it is. My husband is ex navy and he's told me about being deployed. One of the reasons he left, even when they offered him big bucks to reinlist, was because he wanted a family and knew how hard it would be. You are a strong woman for being able to deal with it.
Stay strong mama
A late post from me this morning. This weekend was crazy busy and my eating was out of control. Hi, my name is stacyrg and I'm addicted to chocolate chip salted caramel cookies. They are a tool of the devil and I must toss all baking ingredients from my house immediately. I can't be trusted. I'm a bit scared because although the scale is steady, my jeans were snug this morning. I never want to have snug jeans again. So, I think I'm going to continue with the low carb challenge and also try to cut my calories back a bit (which will not make my Dr. or therapist happy). Ugh. Here's my plan.
B: Chicken thigh meat (3.5oz)
L: Hamburger patty with grilled onions and a slice of cheese
D: Shrimp with asian slaw
S: Light and Fit and PB (I'm going to try and do without my beloved somersaults. Even though I portion them out and only eat a serving, I knew I had a problem when I watched the cloc****il it was "somersault time - 4:00 on the dot. There's a problem when somersaults are the highlight of your day.
Totals: Cal: 909; Protein: 92g; Fat: 48g; Carbs: 23g
Help keep me strong, everyone!!