Checking In!
So today I am officially 22 days post op and feeling pretty well. I'm down 22 lbs also so I'll take that as my magic number. I'm still figuring out food things but mostly doing ok with it. Happy to say (knock on wood) that I haven't thrown up or had dumping syndrome so I'm glad about that. I do have days where sometimes it doesn't feel like I have much restriction at all, and then other days its like the restriction is RIGHT THERE! I definitely can't drink super cold fluids which is an adjustment for me since I like my water really cold. Hope everyone is well!!
Thanks for everyone's responses to my original message. I feel like I am still having a problem with not getting restriction. I'm sticking to low carb and protein shakes (with a few minor slip-ups along the way, hey, I'm still learning/figuring this out), but I feel like I don't have restriction still most of the time. I will be 2 months post op on 10/31/15, is this still a normal thing while nerves are healing up or is it possible that they didn't make my pouch small enough?!? I'm having all kinds of paranoid thoughts about this whole process, again-head games! I have read/reread some old posts on here about people not feeling restriction. I'm just concerned that I'm only at 28lbs lost. Maybe I just had the thought in my head that it would go more quickly. I'm walking a couple miles every day, maybe I need to up my weights/cardio?!? Any feedback (hopefully helpful feedback) is appreciated. Thanks team!!