The right surgeon--SSM St. Louis Area
I also selected Dr. Morales.
--Once you had your initial visit with the MD how long did it take until your surgery date?
--Did you have any post surgery issues?
--Did he require you to have any pre-testing prior to the surgery
--What was your overall impression of the SSM Weight Loss Center?
--How long were you in the hospital?
I am from Carrollton and will having my three consultations (including the MD) on 8/15. What was your impression of your time spent with the Nutritionist--Psych Review and finaly the MD?
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions.
I love the WLI at SSM Depaul. I had my surgeon appointment 7/19 and my surg
ery was 8/29. I did my presurgery testing(blood work,chest xray añd meeting with a surgiçal nurse for preop instruçtions) and my preop class taught by an RN on 8/15 since I had a drive to get there. I spent only one night in the hospital and had barely any pain. Only had three smàll incisions and no post op complications. I love the registered dietitian who teaches the nutrition information and leads the monthly support group. I would love to go each month but it is and hour and a half drive to get there. I did go frequently at first and enjoyed it. They consider you a success if you lose 60 percent of your excess weight but I lost 100 percent and have been below goal for over two years. Just read the handouts they give you,follow their suggestions and you will do great! I started at a highest weight of 272 and have been 120 now for over two years. They really want everyone to succeed and are very eager to answer questions anytime. I will too! I had high blood pressure and cardiac issues so did have to have clearance from my cardiologist. My blood pressure and cholesterol issues are gone now as well as my diabetes. Dr Morales and his staff truly gave me my life back! Any other questions just ask!
Thank you so very much for the detail and depth of you information. It really served to settle me down a little bit and take away the uncertainty on whether I truly selected the right hospital and surgeon. I am at 256 and do hope that my outcome is as well as yours.
This information was just what I was looking for and needed.
Thank you so much!