What's on Your Wednesday Menu, RNYers?

on 8/19/15 9:46 am
VSG on 05/12/14

Good morning everyone. Happy to be back and posting. I'm still working off my phone since the new office frowns on personal internet use and I'm too new to push the policy. I LOVE amusement parks and roller coasters. When I was in law school and super stressed I'd go to Magic Mountain and ride the coasters. Screaming is a good stress reliever!  Went to Disneyland two weeks ago and was pleased how easy it was to eat on plan. They have great protein choices all over!

B: ground turkey, spinach and feta

L: grilled chicken thigh and an apricot

D: pork chop and grilled vwgfied

S: L&F yogurt with peanut butter/somersaults/sugar free Popsicle 

Have a great day!!


on 8/19/15 10:43 am - Philadelphia, PA
RNY on 04/28/15

I like amusement parks-- I ride some stuff but avoid roller coasters. I used to let by hubby do them with the kids.. but he doesn't fit in them anymore. Now that I'm losing weight-- I may have to make up for all the years he went... difference is he liked them-- me I can easily do without. Part II of back to school shopping is on task for this weekend-- and new sneakers for me. I was waiting to reach a milestone to get them-- but they are a necessity now! 

Time since surgery:  almost 4 months

B:  1 scrambled egg+1 tbs egg beaters/ cheese; 2 Turkey sausage patties

L- Greek Yogurt, Cheese sick 

D: ??

S- SF Jello/outshine bar

TOTALS so far :  Cals:  519  Protein:  34  Carbs:  26  Fat:  32


5'6.5" High weight:337 Lowest weight:193/31 BMI: Goal: 195-205/31-32 BMI

on 8/19/15 3:48 am, edited 8/19/15 3:54 am - Knightdale, NC
RNY on 03/02/15

Amusement parks... I do like to ride but not the crazy rides. I have one sister who will go on the most awesome roller coasters and I am just the merry mixer kinda girl! I am looking forward to going to the NC State Fair this year, in October. I haven't been in years due to all the walking but we are going this year! Next year, Hershey Park with the family!

Yesterday, I was home sick with awful abdominal cramps. I honestly thought I was having a diverticulitis flare but now I am not so sure. I had a call into the dr.'s office but never heard back. They did have me stop taking my Prilosec/Nexium script about a week ago just cause I had been on it since surgery and they told me to try it without it. Haven't felt really great since then... no reflux, just a nasty stomach and abdomen and sometimes pain in my upper back when I eat. It's not my gallbladder because I had that out several years ago. I went ahead and took a Prilosec yesterday afternoon and again this morning. Today seems better so we will see if I need just to take it daily.

My menu today:

B: Tea with Truvia and a Vanilla Premier Protein shake

L: Atkins Crustless Chicken Pot Pie...  didnt have anything at home and this seemed the most mild thing I could find at the grocery store.

S: 1/2 cup red seedless grapes

D: 1 cup of Egg Drop soup 

S: FairLife reduce fat chocolate milk (depends on how the pouch is feeling)

Totals:  Calories - 775, Protein - 73, Carbs - 48, Sugar - 28, Fats - 33

Everyone have a good day!

Highest weight - 440 lbs, Surgery weight - 395 lbs, Current weight - 291 lbs.

on 8/19/15 11:08 am

Good afternoon,

Crazy morning today, no time to post earlier.

I don't "love" amusement parks except maybe Disney which I've only been to twice, once as a child and once as an adult. I don't like big coasters or ferris wheels, etc.  I do like water parks, but again, no big slides, only the lazy river.

Time since surgery almost 4 mos.

B:  Premier Protein Shake

L:  eggface ricotta bake, mixed greens, vinaigrette

D:  Grilled Chicken, green beans, sweet potato

S: Reduced fat wheat thins and babybel light

not entered into MFP yet

Back to chiropractor after work tonight, I think he hurt my rib on Saturday when he cracked my back, now I'm in pain again "sigh".







Felicity Q.
on 8/19/15 12:27 pm
DS on 09/28/15

Good Afternoon, Everyone! Such a fun conversation topic today AV!

I loved amusement parks as a teenager and in my 20's... except being left out of the crowd on some rides due to my size. I will always remember the first time I was too big for something... it was after standing in line for an hour on one of the 6 Flags rides... the one where you're hanging with your feet dangling. The attendant couldn't close the harness and very non-discreetly let me know I would not be able to ride. I was so mortified in front of my friends.  In retrospect, I think this was the first time it hit me how big I had become. Up until that point, I thought I was just a little plump.  After that, amusement parks became all about the binge eating... Disneyland Churros... mmmm!  I can't wait to be healthy enough to go back, ride all the rides, and not center my day around what I get to eat next!  One of my fantasy NSV's will be to go there with my kids (yet to be born, lol) and keep up with them for the whole day!

Anyway, food not going as planned today because I slept through some meals. I'm definitely in a 'funk' right now, dealing with depression, and struggling to stay motivated.

Surgery Status: Per the call with my insurance today, they will have a decision today or tomorrow!

L: Chocolate Premier Protein Shake

S: 2oz Jack Links Sweet & Hot Beef Jerky (to my fellow S&H lover, I found some on Amazon for less than $1 an ounce! Here's the link. It's 2oz though.)

D: Leftover Sausage-Stuffed Bell Peppers with Cauliflower instead of Rice

TOTALS:  Calories:  703   |  Carbs:  26  |  Fat:  34 |  Protein:  78  |  Fiber: 7 | Sugar:  13

Lap-Band 2011 | DS Revision 9/28/15 | HW: 380 in 2011 | GW: 140

Blog: http://felicitywls.blogspot.com/ | Twitter: @FelicityQ13

on 8/19/15 1:42 pm

Do you guys use fit bit or something to figure out your calories etc? For example I can't imagine eating 2 brats, I have not had real bacon in 13 years but maybe I am figuring all wrong ? Do fit bits work? 


on 8/19/15 2:20 pm - Latrobe, PA

Hi, most of us use my fitness pal. You down load the free app. And you put in your breakfast, lunch and dinner ideas and it does the work for you. Calories, carbs, protein, sodium. It even has a place you keep track of your water intake.

Felicity Q.
on 8/19/15 3:13 pm
DS on 09/28/15

Hi Kathy,

As Nurse mentioned, many of us use MyFitnessPal to keep track of what we're eating and the nutrition for our meals. If you're eating something store-bought and use a smart phone, you're able to just scan the bar code and it looks the food up for you. If you're cooking a meal at home with a bunch of ingredients, it has a neat Recipe area that lets you add all of the ingredients, then indicate how many servings, then it gives you the nutrition info for just one serving.  I'm pretty much obsessed with it!

Lap-Band 2011 | DS Revision 9/28/15 | HW: 380 in 2011 | GW: 140

Blog: http://felicitywls.blogspot.com/ | Twitter: @FelicityQ13

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