Help day 4 post op

on 8/9/15 1:21 pm, edited 8/9/15 1:27 pm - MD

I'm day 4 post op I don't feel hungry but I don't get full?  I've eaten 6oz jello so far today then 16 oz water and 90cc broth this seems like a lot???

RNY 8/6/15 HW 304 LW 124lbs RW 165 CW 140 Weight loss stats: Liquid Pre-op -35, August-18, September-12, October-11, November-18, December-16, January-12, February-10, March-11, April -8, May-11, June-5 July-5,August-6

Laura in Texas
on 8/9/15 2:11 pm

Your nerves were cut during surgery. It may take a couple months before you feel "full". Until then, please follow your surgeon's plan and do not risk over-eating.

I drank 4 protein shakes a day in the beginning to get in all my protein.

It took me a good six months before I started feeling like I had a handle on the whole eating thing. Hang in there and just take things day by day.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

(deactivated member)
on 8/9/15 2:57 pm
RNY on 05/04/15

Consider yourself lucky -- I didn't get full, but I certainly was hungry! It wasn't until about 4 weeks out that I had my first true feelings of restriction and satiety. I don't know if it was the healing time or the move to more solid foods that did it, but at 3 months now, I still only get truly "full" when I eat dense protein, so it's always the first part of all my meals.

on 8/9/15 5:47 pm

 What you are eating now will not give you fullness. It's liquid. It's meant to keep you hydrated after surgery. It's meant to give you enough nutrients/energy while you recover from major surgery.

It's not an emergency not to feel full. My brain told me it was. 

Welcome to a whole new world. Keep posting.

Deb T.

on 8/12/15 10:25 am

I'm 2 weeks out from surgery today- I still am not hungry, but I am "mouth" hungry if that makes sense.  Drink your liquids (I've been drinking G2 and Propel), sugar free popsicles, and sugar free jello.  To say I am sick of these would be an understatement.  But, I've lost 22.5 lbs, so there you go.  Hang in there!

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