Recommended labs--is there a list somewhere?
Yes, unlike some of the other vitamins, Vit K is absorbed many spots (but including the bypassed portion). I suspect that the change in diet is more responsible than the bypass itself since even those who actually eat green leafy vegetables, bananas, etc. that are high in Vit K don't eat nearly as much of them. Who has room for very much kale (even if they wanted it)?!?
Good point about the testing frequency, though. I don't know how many surgeons test for it. Mine did, but I don't know how many do. Mine was low for a while but the hematologist had a fit when he found out we were supplementing it (because I also take blood thinner) so we just leave mine low.
Yeah, I'll go with "low" on yours, LOL.
14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
on 8/2/15 5:37 pm
Very helpful explanation about why different docs test at different intervals. I appreciated this.