You have some great advice above, from long time vets of the process. I'm new, just like you (a few months into this now). I tried to stay positive but there were times (in those first few weeks) when I thought I was having a breakdown. I would just cry for absolutely no reason. And I felt like crap most of the time. I was tired, in pain, and reading about people heading back to their full time jobs one week after surgery. It was all I could do to get out of the house one week after surgery! I wanted to leave the house, I was so sick of feeling sick... but just couldn't stay vertical for long without feeling dizzy/woozy. I started feeling stronger when I started to have actual food - pureed food - and I really turned the corner. I had to learn that everyone recovers differently... it was a slower process for me than it was for others, but we all get there in the end.
Please know you're not alone. I hope you'll post here for support, and that you also find some local support too. And don't hesitate to ask for help or counseling. This is a huge change, and it takes time and help to adjust. You'll get there!

137 pounds lost - from a 24/26W to a size 8/10!
Ai had my RNY as a revision to gastric stapling 25 years ago. You and are are practically at the same stage of recovery. Thank goodness my husband is out of the house most of the time so I can sift through my ups and downs. You need to follow guidelines and get those proteins in. I swear by protein2o water. It has 15 g of protein, it's light like water cause I really really don't want to eat. Even if it is just a spoonful each meal, it will help. Next you need to talk to us on the forum, become friends so you have an outlet for all that is bottled up inside. Now, take a little walk (not far) you can do it and back again. Change in air will do you a world of good. Embrace taking care of yourself, your new journey and the abundance of strength you just showed yourself you have to get to the next level. We can do this together. I try very hard not to ask a thing of my husband. Smile, and look into the mirror. Why you are looking better already. New foods, new habits to adopt. I am still very tired and take naps here and's all part of the new you.
It will get better and this is not an empty platitude. I was not myself emotionally until week 8. It was a hard adjustment and I had even taken 6 weeks off from work. In week 7, I was still an emotional wreck and thought I should have taken even more time. You will get through it. The hormonal dumping can be really bad. I even broke out in acne like I never did when I was a teenager. Emotionally, I'm the most upbeat, happy and optimistic person but this really hit me hard. It's one of the reasons that I rely on this forum every single day, 6 months later. Every post reassures me that I'm normal and that I too will get past whatever is currently upsetting me.
So, 5 months later, you may find yourself writing reassuring posts like these to someone else going through the same things.">
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HW: 295; SW: 272; CW: 159; Surgeon's goal: 167; My goal: 140
Hi Debra,
I had RNY on June 25th so our timing is similar, I too felt like "What the heck did I do to myself?" The first two weeks were so rough I was dizzy, no energy and just felt sad. I think the sadness was realizing I had just broken up with one of my best friends, food. I had a friend come in town and stay with me for a week because I have an energetic 3 year old boy and my husband had to work. I was so sad my best friend was in town and we couldn't just run off to the Cheesecake Factory share yummy apps and desserts. Everyday she was here it was weird that we weren't planning some fun "something" based around yummy food. It was sad and weird, I realized how much food is associated with good times and friends.
So having no energy was because I was recovering from surgery but that has also been strange, I'm such a go and do, active positive person so the low energy mad me also sad.
Now the dizzy I had to take care of with my dr. I had the great fortune of starting my monthly "gift" the day after my surgery so along with the blood thinner I was loosing a lot of blood (sorry if it's tmi) I was like seriously, seriously the day after surgery I have to contend with cramps as well. Anyway the Dr. took me off the blood thinner and I felt a ton better after that I was also told to increase my vitamins to twice a day. I'm only 10 days a head of you in the process but I have to say at week four, I started to feel a little closer to normal and everyday I think, I feel little better today.
I think what also doesn't help with the "what the heck did I do to myself" feelings is that it's not like at this point we have lost enough weight to have that be a gratifying return on our terrible feelings.
What does help me and stuff other people have mentioned, I go on this website everyday and read people's stories, or I search out my questions and read as much information as possible and connecting makes me feel like I am not alone in this process. I also go on youtube and look at videos of people who have chronicled their journey of weight loss also inspiring. When my friends ask me the "how is it going?" question I say I feel better and better each day and I am hopeful this will work.
And good for you for reaching out!!!! You are courageous in asking for help, I don't know if you noticed but you had something like 300 hundred views of this post so other people are probably feeling the same way too.
Be Hopeful, it will be better!
I am sorry to hear about the difficult time you are having. I too had my surgery on 7/6. I have been having a complete rollar coaster ride with food, emotions, sleep and pain. After being unsuccessful advancing past pureed foods I decided to go back to liquids for a few days. I drink mostly the Premier protein shakes (available at Costco) as well as milk and some refried beans. This diet seems to do well for me and you may find it helpful but the one thing I have learned is that, even though we go through a lot of the same things, every one has different issues after surgery. I started again with soft foods today and chewing really well. After some eggs I almost thought I had blown it again but stopped eating immediately amd was fine.
I have to force myself to eat because I am never hungry amymore. Also I find exercising first thing to help. Even with the progress I have made in the past few days, I too wish I hadn't had the surgery. It is so much more difficult than anyone can imagine pre-op no matter the support you have.
I would like to offer you my support and would be happy to talk with you further about our experiences.
I heard from a successful rny person who's had no problems that drinking a cup of warm, lemon flavoured water first thing in the morning helps with digestion. No idea if that works, but it might be worth a try.