Whats on the menu today?

(deactivated member)
on 7/3/15 6:43 am

Holiday weekend coming up. I am a bit nervous I am going to a graduation party tomorrow and staying overnight then going to my friends house on the way home. I did plan I made snacks and bought snacks that are WLS friendly. I am prepared. I keep telling myself that. 

B:Protein shake/Egg and ham

L:Tuna with olives and sugar-free pickles

D:Steak or chicken

S:Hard boiled egg cheese stick maybe a yogurt tube.

Vitamins are in water is going down.

Have a great weekend and be safe. 

on 7/3/15 7:53 am - Brighton, IL

No exciting plans here. I lead a pretty boring life I guess. Lily and I got up at 630 and got our three miles in early. I will do another 3 on the treadmill at some point today. Here's the food plan: B 1/2 c steel cut oats with protein powder and 1/2 a banana with peanut butter L 31/2 oz grilled chicken with 1/2 c broccoli steamed D 31/2 oz ribeye with 1/2 c sauteed squash cut up with my vegetti the amazing kitchen device S Greek yogurt with nuts. Vitamins and water both started too. Have an amazing weekend full of good choices everyone!



on 7/3/15 9:16 am
RNY on 07/23/14

Glad somebody is here posting... I have been mostly MIA for 2 weeks, I had houseguests... a family with 3 little kids. They left at 1AM last night. A lot of fun but lots of carbs in the house and lots of eating out of my normal routine. Needless to say I have been fluctuating +/- 2lbs the whole time they were here. Glad to get back to a normal food routine. I am going to eat light today... my system is paying today from eating out yesterday. Then just need to be careful at the BBQ tomorrow.

B: Quest vanilla protein shake (Tried a sample, pretty good taste)

S: Crystal light with added protein powder

L: Salad with grilled chicken

S: Protein bar (if needed)

D: greek yogurt and blueberries.

Exercise: retail therapy :), and swimming

Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014

Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16

#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets



on 7/3/15 9:38 am
RNY on 02/09/15

On our way to Water country (a huge water amusement park), so will spend the day swimming and chasing after my 5 yr old.  sure ill get in lots of steps and exercise, so a good thing!

B- Protein Coffee

S- string cheese

L- ham rollups w/ cheese

S2- @ water park- nature valley nut bar (like a typical granola bar but all nuts w/binder)decent stats 11 carbs, 6 protein

D- unsure

Water/Vits need to work on it

Good choices to all!

I'm Jo   HW 245, SW 236, CW 151 Yeah (Normal BMI!!!!)

M1=213 (-23), M2=201 (-12), M3=186 (-15), M4=175(-11), M5=166(-9), M6=157(-9), M7=153(-4) 



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