What's on Your Wednesday Menu, RNYers?

on 7/1/15 7:55 am - Knightdale, NC
RNY on 03/02/15

Okay, I am earlier posting today. Yay! 

As to swimming... I love the pool and have always swam but I honestly have never learned to like do strokes and stuff. I would love to take lessons to do it properly because I am sure I look like an idiot in the pool! Lessons are on my "to do" list. And, honestly, with my size, exercising in the pool is so much easier... I don't tire and get out of breath... I can even jog in the pool without my knees collapsing! LOL. 

My menu today is nutty crazy. We had a meet and greet breakfast with all the Adult Medicaid team... there has been a new influx of workers (which I am one of) and this was the old team's way of welcoming the new staff. So, I had to go. I had a myriad of food that I made work... my carbs are over 40 (dang it) but for team morale, I had to eat them... yeah, that's it, I did it for the team!!

My menu:

B1:  Tea and SugarLeaf (not totally gone yet... soon)

B2: 1/4 slice of candied bacon (did not realize it was candied until I put it in my mouth and I couldn't figure out how to politely spit it out without everyone noticing, so I  ate it), 1/2 Bruegger's plain bagel with 1.5 oz (guesstimate) of light cream cheese (only ate 1/2 but will eat the rest for lunch)

L: 1/2 slice of colby/jack cheese, 1/4 cup cucumbers, 1 strawberry, 1 grape, 1 baby carrot

D: 3 oz of shrimp

S: 2 hard boil eggs, sans yolk and chocolate mint protein ice cream

I know I give way too much detail, but I am using this thread as a way to keep myself honest... as others have said. 

Totals: Calories - 647, Protein - 71, Carbs - 60 (yes, carbs are evil), Sugar - 28, Fats - 17

One thing I did learn today... bagels are not worth the expense. Breads are really going downhill for me and I use to love bread. I am glad that I can have something now and again, but it is no longer an urgent crave that I have to have bread now! That is really amazing to me.

Everyone have a great day!

Highest weight - 440 lbs, Surgery weight - 395 lbs, Current weight - 291 lbs.

on 7/1/15 8:22 am

I could not agree more about bread and bagels!!  Sometimes I forget and think I want them but I have a bit and its very underwhelming.

on 7/1/15 8:19 am
RNY on 02/09/15

Long time Lurker here, but I must say I love your alls energy and enthusiasm!

Im a long time swimmer since way back when, but this year (post WLS 5 mths now, im in the pool all the time!)  Somehow its much easier when you are not ashamed to be seen in a swim suit,  .  My 5 year old had a huge breakthrough this weekend, and found out he could go under the water and literally spent the entire day under once he found out how fun it was, so I see it happening even more as we go through the summer...

B- Protein Coffee

S- Laughing cow light cheese wedge

L- 2 HB eggs (minus yolks)

D-not sure yet

Have a great day!

I'm Jo   HW 245, SW 236, CW 151 Yeah (Normal BMI!!!!)

M1=213 (-23), M2=201 (-12), M3=186 (-15), M4=175(-11), M5=166(-9), M6=157(-9), M7=153(-4) 



on 7/1/15 1:26 am, edited 7/1/15 1:27 am - Knightdale, NC
RNY on 03/02/15

I was a long time lurker here before I started joining in. This is a wonderful group and I find that even though, I am pretty religious about using My Fitness Pal, posting on here, in addition, makes me more accountable. And, I do so much better when I plan everything that goes into my mouth. 

Welcome to the group!!


Highest weight - 440 lbs, Surgery weight - 395 lbs, Current weight - 291 lbs.

on 7/1/15 8:41 am
RNY on 02/09/15

I really need to use My fitness pal...  I used to in the very beginning, but have got slack, and really have just focused on keeping my portions small and my protein up.  But the reality is I have no idea of my stats and my weight loss is slowing way down...  Im hoping posting here will give me the incentive to start that up again...

I'm Jo   HW 245, SW 236, CW 151 Yeah (Normal BMI!!!!)

M1=213 (-23), M2=201 (-12), M3=186 (-15), M4=175(-11), M5=166(-9), M6=157(-9), M7=153(-4) 



on 7/1/15 8:36 am
RNY on 08/11/14


RNY 8/11/14 with Dr. Kelvin Higa PS Lipectomy 4/12/17 with Dr. John Burnett HW291.4/CW165/GW150

(deactivated member)
on 7/1/15 9:00 am

Good late morning. It is sunny here today which I am totally digging. I may get my beach chair and go sit in the sun. I have to wait for the tree guys to come to take down five trees. So not sure I can go out. As a kid I love going to the pool and I would stay in all day. It was 5 bucks to get in so it was a big deal if my mom gave me money to go. As an adult I really like to lounge in the pool. I used to live on a lagoon I only went into the water if I was tipsy. Before WLS. 

B:Yogurt tube 

L:Shrimp salad from Costco/ some cheese and olives

D:Steak and salad

Vitamins are in water is going down. 

Have a wonderful Wednesday. 

Amy H.
on 7/1/15 11:15 am - Raleigh, NC
RNY on 06/08/15

Hello and happy hump day!!

I love to swim, I wish I could do it more! I have my DD in the pool as much as I can and in swim classes to help her learn. I grew up with a pool at home and made a huge difference. 


Time since surgery:  23 days

B:  chobani flip (daughter ate some :)

S:  nothin...bad

L:  refried beans w/cheese, salsa and sc

S: cheese

D: stuffed tomato casserole (ground pork, tomatoes (skinned), beans, cheese and mayo)

S: unknown, need more protein choices!




banded 12/2006, slip revision 7/2013, revision to rny 6/8/2015

on 7/1/15 10:02 pm - KS

I am a long time lurker and I am a back on tracker. 

I wanted to chime in with my accountability. This is very important for me since i rarely share or track my daily log. 

Breakfast 1/2 single bag nacho Doritos

Lunch:  chipotle bowl steak, black beans, lettuce, brown rice cheese, pico, and guacamole 

Snack: other half of my doritos ugh

Dinner: 6 oz steak. 1 cup zuchinni noodles slightly sauteed with butter and onion


Cal 1471.  Carbs 119.  protein 100

Highest: 291       Current: 220  GOAL:  to get back on track   

Most Active