What's on Your Wednesday Menu, RNYers?
You guys, I seriously thought I already posted this thread today. WTH is wrong with me? LOL I blame hormones. And the rain. It took me three tries to get out of my neighborhood this morning because my usual routes were closed due to flooding. Looking at the forecast, it looks like Friday is the day for sun. *fingers crossed*
Random question! Do you swim? I love swimming and can't really remember a time when I didn't know how. My son's been in the pool since he was an infant so he's the same as me! I am always completely surprised when someone says they don't know how to swim. How does that happen? Like, my husband's oldest brother doesn't know how to swim, but the other siblings all do. Inquiring minds want to know!!
Time since surgery: 11 1/2 months
B: coffee, 2 breakfast biscuits with a wedge of Laughing Cow and a HB egg
S: Friendship Fit to Go 1%
L: turkey/Greek yogurt cream cheese/pickle rollups and some pork rinds
D: tuna chickpea salad (made it again!) and a cheese stick
TOTALS: Cals: 859 Protein: 82 Carbs: 54 Fat: 38
Have a great day all!

I was seriously beginning to wonder if you had been washed out this morning AV! Flooding sucks. I hope everyone stays safe in your area. I am like you, I don't remember a time when I couldn't swim. My brother (5 years older than me) insisted I be on the local swim team at 5 years old. I swam competitively from 5-12 y.o. and then again in high school. Now I swim in triathlons. I really do love to swim although since my secondary drowning experience in May I have had a mental block. Now I don't "love" my swim workouts. In ways I seek to avoid them. I really do need to get over this.
Time since surgery: 11+ months
B: SF Latte and Special K protein cereal
S: Luna Protein bar and coffee
L: Ham and string cheese with a few Kay's Naturals Protein Chips
S: Starbucks Iced Coffee with cream and Splenda
D: Edamame noodles and marinara
S: 100 Calorie Popcorn
W/V: Started
E: 40 min run over lunch
Totals: Calories 920, Protein 79, Carbs 111, Fat 21
Have a great day!
Well, I knew you knew how to swim. LOL And I can only imagine how super scary that was, but don't push so you can 'get over it". Be kind to yourself right now.

Goooooood morning! I'm so happy to see this post every morning even if I'm unable to participate. It looks like it will be nice and sunny!
I love to swim! I remember being dropped off at the public pool when I was younger. I also remember getting sunburn on a regular basis. I need to bite the bullet and find a swimsuit that works for me. I haven't had a swimsuit in months now after losing weight. Any suggestions on places to shop?
Time since surgery 10 months
B: coffee
S: power crunch bar - ALERT they have a new salted caramel flavor that I'm quite fond of right now
L: tuna and cheese melt - no bread
S: light and fit strawberry cheesecake greek yogurt
D: ribeye steak
V/W: started
I'll probably add in some veggies for dinner, just not sure which ones yet.
Totals: Cals: 666 Protein: 64 Carb 21
I highly recommend Miracle Suits! You can find great deals on them at http://www.sierratradingpost.com/
Land's End has lots of mix and match tops and bottoms. There happens to be a sale today...40% off swimwear.

Try the Ross down on Oregon (there might be one on Aramingo too, closer too you) - I have gotten several suits for like $20 there, good for transition!
RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014
Good Morning! How was your meeting yesterday?
I love being in the pool and also can't remember a time I didn't know how to swim. Now I don't swim "right" and when I do laps I just kind of do a breast stroke I guess.
I need some guidance here...somehow I injured my knee a tad(I have no clue how) and it's been hurting for a few days. It doesn't really hurt while just walking but if I squat or anything like that-yowzers that hurts. Anyhow, to get to the point I am stubborn and still want to get my workout in each day. I have a basic brace I put on it just to give some additional support but my hubby says I need to rest it and let it heal for a few days so I don't cause any "damage".....what are all of your thoughts? I did my stationary stepper this morning already and it felt a little tight but not too bad.
Time since surgery: 10 1/2 months
B: SF latte, egg beater omelette, fruit (grapes and 1/2 an apple)
S: Cinnamon raisin thin addictives and a laughing cow cheese wedge
L: Green leaf lettuce turkey and swiss "sandwich", a peach and some trail mix
S: L&F Greek Blueberry yogurt and handful of granola
D: Flat out pizza and froyo
S: Outshine no sugar added popsicle (it's HOT when I get home!)
E: ½ hour stationary stepper
V/W: On track
Totals: Cals: 1168 Protein: 77 Carbs: 143 Fat: 37
Have a great one!
Rest! 100% rest. I know it's rough to take some time off when you're in workout high gear, but REST! Like you said, you don't want to cause MORE injury, then you might be out for even longer. Take a few days off, maybe just do a walk in the morning or something, but REST!
Did I mention I think you should rest?!
RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014