update on my craziness
The reason I'm focused on food now is my doctor said i will leave here going into the full liquid phase. I wasnt prepared for that. I went from 2 days of clears back to no food at all by mouth. Basically I have not taken in food in and form in 11 days, save 1.5 there in the middle. I think about food.
I was just looking for a post from you yesterday. I was worried when I couldn't find one! I'm so glad they figured out the issue!! I hope that fixes everything and you recover fully as quickly as possible. It sounds like you're taking it in stride which is awesome. And that you're ready and willing to listen to what the Dr tells you, which is also great.
I agree with the others that I would not care what the scale says right now. I know it's hard to not care but you've been through a lot plus surgery and anesthesia can add extra poundage anyway. I wouldn't blame you for wanting to see when you get home what it says but I wouldn't freak out if it's not what you want.
Keep us updated on your recovery!
I am so happy to hear that you are finally fixed up!!! And, glad you are feeling well.
I thought of nothing but food when I was on my liquid phase... don't worry about that, I think it's normal. All I watched on TV was the Food Network. When, I was able to eat, I was able to stick to what I should eat... you will be able to do that, too.
Check out The World According to Eggface, a blog with lots of post WLS recipes. She will save you during your pureed stage and while you are easing into real food.
Take it easy on your trip. Lots of stops.
Good luck to you.