

on 6/19/15 5:17 pm - IN

How do you when it's time to be removed , what are symtoms? I have been feeling stabbing pains sometimes in back and stomach mostly when I sit and get up.

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 6/19/15 5:25 pm - OH

Gallbladder trouble doesn't usually cause pain when you stand up or  sit down.  It is usually tied to when you eat.

The only way to know whether the gallbladder is the problem (let alone know whether it actually needs to come out or not... Sometimes medication can be used instead of surgery) is to go to the doctor and have an ultrasound and/or HIDA scan done.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 6/20/15 7:52 pm
RNY on 07/11/14

My gallbladder attacks were on the left right below my rib cage, felt like I was being squeezed around my body back to my kidneys.  Intense pain, vomiting, cold clammy sweats.. Lasted for hours and ended in diarrhea..  I had scans done, never found stones till right before they took it out... But the doctors all knew what it was.  Most all tell you that it's one of the worst pains to have.. I'd let your doctor know what's happening., but your saying it hurts getting up and sitting... Gallbladder attacks hurt constantly and they are not better in any position. 


It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.



on 6/28/15 11:05 am

I am having my surgery in August and my surgeon is also removing my gallbladder due to future problems so I won't have to go through surgery again in the future for gallbladder problems
