OMG!!!!! I'm 8 POUNDS AWAY!!!

on 6/19/15 11:58 am
RNY on 12/22/14

I AM 8 pounds away from my GOAL of 150!!! My 6 month anniversary is June 22! I am soooo excited I CAN'T hide it !!! 

My picture of the scale is too big I guess. I'm trying to post it !!! You can do it !!! People !!! Keep Pushing!!! 


Does anyone eat lean cuisines? I bought a pizza as a treat for myself ... Lol! What you think? 

Smile Life Looks Good on YOU!   Crystal    

Tracy D.
on 6/19/15 12:21 pm - Papillion, NE
VSG on 05/24/13

Wellllll.....I'm really happy for you that you are so close to goal!  So why would you start sabotaging yourself by eating carb-heavy foods?  Even Lean Cuisine pizzas have more carbs in one serving than I normally eat in an entire day 

"Rewarding" ourselves with food is how many of us got morbidly obese.  Much better to start figuring out non-food rewards.  Pedicures, massage, new sunglasses or nail polish, etc.  

 Tracy  5'3"     HW: 235  SW: 218  CW: 132    M1: -22  M2: -13  M3: -12  M4: -9  M5: -8   M6: -10   M7: -4

 Goal reached in 7 months and 1 week

 Lower Body Lift w/Dr. Barnthouse 7-8-15



















































on 6/19/15 12:38 pm
RNY on 12/22/14

I never rewarded myself with food.. To my knowledge... Of course my daily intake has been adjusted to enjoy such an indulgence. My habits have gotten me over this far and I'm extremely proud of myself. 

Thanks for the materialistic ideas to celebrate my accomplishment. I do the things you suggested regularly... But I guess I'll go figure something out :(

Totally dampered my little pizza dream lol !! 

Thanks again for your encouragement... 


Smile Life Looks Good on YOU!   Crystal    

on 6/19/15 12:55 pm - Canada

Well congrats on getting close to your goal. I know how exciting that can be.

I used to enjoy the Lean Cuisines until i had the surgery and BLAM those dang carbs. I shy away from that stuff, but still ENJOY on occasion. I too try and reward myself with something other than food, it's hard to do I know.

I keep telling myself that I'll eat that (What) tomorrow and tomorrow never comes for it, just a game i like to play to keep me honest. But IT'S HARD.... further out you'll find that. Just try and remember how pumped you are right now and that great feeling. It'll help you thru your journey.


on 6/20/15 11:43 am - San Diego, CA
RNY on 12/10/13 with

Congratulations to you for your success so far.  .  I just want to share that I applaud your honestly and encourage you to continue to find the YOUR path on this journey.  There is a whole lot of great advice and support here and  I've learned to be open to it all, listen to my own body and my doctors and live out what works for me. 

I reached my goal weight in about 6 months and have maintained for the last 13 months within 2-3 pounds of 150 every day.  I do weigh every day because that keeps me focused on exercise and eating well.  That's my choice - I know some folks say to stay off the scale and others say weigh every day.  Again - it's what works for you that counts.

I did not sign up to be perpetually on a low/no carb lifestyle. In fact, before the RNY my yo-yo no carb, South Beach diet lifestyle made me miserable and didn't work obviously.  I made this change and accepted this new pouch as a tool to be healthy. My surgeon's plan had me eating healthy carbs from the first day I could eat solid foods.  Since then I have found a good balance of all food groups and I do stick to the guidance from this page - protein first, drink later, etc..  But I have found that I am one of the lucky ones.  I can eat anything in moderation and yes, that includes a couple of slices of real pizza and a  bite of my wife's Tiramisu dessert out at dinner every once in a while.  I know my caloric absorbtion rate will change as time goes on, and I will adjust accordingly but my lab results are excellent, I take my vitamins every day and my doctor says I'm healthy. 

Continue to be encouraged by your own success and find your own way. Congrats again. 



on 6/20/15 10:24 pm
RNY on 12/22/14

Wow !!! Thank you soooo much! I truly appreciate this message and your transparency! I really am a person that when I make a goal I stick to it ... No matter the tenure of the journey I try to fulfill it . I am soooo excited and thankful for this board and the people on it... I have changed my whole thought process ... AND THAT is what made this lifestyle change really permanent for me ...  Thank you so much ... 

Smile Life Looks Good on YOU!   Crystal    

on 6/21/15 3:35 am - Ottawa, Canada

If nail polish is "materialistic" am I in trouble!

on 6/19/15 1:21 pm - Canada

Congratulations!!  You are an inspiration to those of us that are newly post-op.  

Enjoy your deserve it!

Referral - Jan 2014, Orientation - June 2014, Appointments - Sept to Dec 2014, Surgery April 22, 2015


on 6/20/15 10:24 pm
RNY on 12/22/14

Thank you 

Smile Life Looks Good on YOU!   Crystal    

on 6/19/15 2:24 pm
RNY on 08/11/14


RNY 8/11/14 with Dr. Kelvin Higa PS Lipectomy 4/12/17 with Dr. John Burnett HW291.4/CW165/GW150

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