Nothing appeals to me

on 6/10/15 7:51 am - Staten Island, NY
RNY on 02/04/15 with

I guess its not necessarily a bad thing but nothing makes me say yum anymore.  I used to get excited about eating but now its like a chore.  I'll make something and look forward to eating it and than it disappoints me.  The other night I made a cheese burger (no bun obviously) cut some avocado and put it on top and was all excited to eat it and than nothing, ate a few bites and than just ate the cheese and avocado.  Anyone else find they have this problem?  I cant tell you how much food I have in my freezer because I keep trying different things only to eat them once and not want them again.  

Surgery date: 2/4/15

Highest weight: 315. Pre-op diet weight: 289.  Surgery weight: 260.  Current weight: 138  Goal weight: 160 


on 6/10/15 8:08 am

I'm the same way! It got slightly better for me. I was able to tolerate the meal but if there was leftovers (which there always was) I threw them away because I knew I wouldn't eat them. 

on 6/10/15 9:25 am - COLUMBIA CITY, IN

I changed the way I "thought" about food.  I now think of food as "fuel" for my body.  I need food for energy, health, for my heart, lungs, liver, brain, etc. to function.

Food isn't fun.  It doesn't "soothe" my feelings and emotions.

I find that changing my thoughts about food has helped me to eat food that "fuels" my body and keeps me healthy.  I eat because I need to.  I don't always want to eat or enjoy eating, but I do it anyway.  Kinda like brushing and flossing or taking a shower.  I don't always want to or feel like it, but I do it anyway.

Maybe that's just me.  Food used to be a "god" to me.  I used food as the answer to so many feelings.  But not anymore.

Best wishes,


Highest Weight 255  * Wt loss includes 19 lb lost before surgery

on 6/10/15 11:28 am
RNY on 07/23/14

In the first 6 months food rarely tasted good to me. I could count on one hand how many times I really enjoyed the food. At about 5 1/2 months my son and daughter-in-law were here for Christmas to New Years, and I ate some different foods that week... that is when I realized my tastebuds were coming back.  Still hit or miss sometimes, but not like it was in the beginning.

Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014

Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16

#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets



on 6/10/15 1:28 pm
RNY on 04/28/15

I'm having the same problem.  Especially with ground beef.  I've made several things for my husband that sounded good to me when I was planning it, but after a bite or two it's just not good.  I can consistently eat eggs, cheese, chicken breast & applesauce.  Everything else is iffy.  :/



on 6/10/15 5:36 pm - Staten Island, NY
RNY on 02/04/15 with

Beef was my go to but lately it just doesn't appeal to me.  Cheese is still good for me and I can do canned tuna once in a while.  Chicken on the other hand still doesn't work for me.  For some reason my stomach doesn't like it even when it is moist and I chew it well.  The good thing is i'm getting my protein in but that's with a shake every day.  

Surgery date: 2/4/15

Highest weight: 315. Pre-op diet weight: 289.  Surgery weight: 260.  Current weight: 138  Goal weight: 160 


on 6/11/15 6:30 am
RNY on 04/07/09 with

hello fellow dr. ferzli alumni!

i experienced what you're talking about with not being enthused by anything. more likely than not, your appetite will return. it may seem weird, but enjoy this time!

on 6/12/15 5:28 am

It seems the more time I put into making a meal , the less I can eat it. I can so relate . A nice burger , avocado,onion, thin slice of cheese and then sit down ready to really enjoy and two bites and that's it. LOL I have found myself mad I can't eat it and then laugh at myself. Zip up my blue jeans and head out on my bike.

on 6/12/15 6:48 pm - CA
RNY on 04/14/15

Yup. Me too. The taste buds have changed and with the change to eating dense protein first I'm missing veggies. I still eat them but not as much. Things have gotten better the further out from surgery but sometimes eating feels like a chore. Now I eat because I'm trying to get my protein. I'm also trying new recipes so that has made it a little more exciting. On the bright side, our grocery bill has gone down.

Carpe Diem!

Height: 5'5"  HW: 237 SW: 237 CW:138 GW: 134   M1: -31  M2: -14  M3:-12  M4: -10  M5: -10  M6: -5 M7: -4 M8: -5 M9: -5 M10: -2 M11: M12: -1




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