What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

on 6/4/15 7:28 am
RNY on 08/11/14

RNY 8/11/14 with Dr. Kelvin Higa PS Lipectomy 4/12/17 with Dr. John Burnett HW291.4/CW165/GW150

on 6/4/15 7:52 am - PA
RNY on 03/18/14

Good morning Menu world. For no apparent reason I am in a MOOD today. I'm cranky and annoyed about everything! I even stopped and got a mani on my way into work hoping it would lift my mood, but to no avail.


Some days are like that.

Time since surgery: 15 months

B: breakfast sandwich and a yogurt tube, coffee with cream

S: Thin Addictives with a Laughing Cow light

L: L&F with chia seeds and sliced almonds, string cheese

S: Kind bar

D: TJ's turkey meatballs with sauce and cheese

S: popcorn and a froyo bar

TOTALS: Calories 1330, Protein 83, Carbs 125, Fat 65

V/W: started

E: the gym streak challenge continues with Body Combat tonight at 8, depending on my step count I might head over early for some time on the track/elliptical/arc trainer

RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014

on 6/4/15 8:52 am
RNY on 01/22/14

Hope your day gets better Anny!  Great job on keeping the streak alive

on 6/4/15 10:46 am
RNY on 08/11/14

Yikes, I too can relate to crummy moods for no reason! Hope it gets better and keep up your streak girl!

RNY 8/11/14 with Dr. Kelvin Higa PS Lipectomy 4/12/17 with Dr. John Burnett HW291.4/CW165/GW150

on 6/4/15 7:53 am
RNY on 04/28/15

Okay, I'm a lurker, just because I was waiting to have actually had my surgery before I joined in!  I've been watching what you guys post for meals to get some ideas, but now I want to start posting to try to be more accountable for what I am eating!

Best of luck to MelissaSue1982 with her gallbladder surgery today!  I'm glad I had mine out 20+ years ago and don't have to worry about it now!

Here goes:

Time since surgery: 37 days :)

B: Premier Vanilla Shake in my Coffee

L: Tuna Salad & Crunchmaster Gluten Free Crackers (6)

S: Planters Nuts Cranberry Blend (1/2 pkg) & a Babybel cheese wheel

D: Salmon & Sweet Potato

E: walking

V/W: On track

Totals: Cals: 724  Protein: 68  Carbs: 41 



on 6/4/15 9:05 am
RNY on 01/22/14

Good Morning All,

I hate it when people take my things too...although it's usually in a work context.  FOR INSTANCE...for the last year, I always put my lunch bag in the same exact spot in the work fridge (this fridge is fairly empty and not many people use it)...anyways, for the last 2 weeks someone has been putting their stuff in my damn spot, lol.  It's not like we hired any new people, and there's other spots in the fridge, so I can't for the life of me figure out why they keep screwing with my spot.  I've decided I'm becoming a little to obsessed with this and need to let it go, and fast, but every morning I walk in an see it and I'm becoming more homicidal about it with each passing day.  I seriously need a vacation when stuff like that is driving me to the brink :)

Time since surgery: 16 months

B - string cheese & fiber gourmet crackers

S - jerky

L - cheese cubes, chicken, cherry tomatoes, some trail mix 

D - Salmon, I'm seriously finishing this off tonight or throwing it out.  I love salmon and leftovers, but enough is enough already :)

W/V - On track

E - Spin class tonight

Have a great Thursday everyone, we're on the home stretch to the weekend!


on 6/4/15 9:09 am - PA
RNY on 03/18/14

LOL! Your spot in the fridge is cracking me up and would totally make me insane too! That's like when I was leaving my last library and one of the other employees started parking in MY spot. It was a public street and all, but it was still MY spot and that person knew it, damnit!

Passive aggressive BS!

Do you ever just move their bag? I couldn't MOVE her car, but I would TOTALLY move someone's lunch bag. Maybe not even put mine in the spot, but just mess with them LOL

RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014

on 6/5/15 11:27 am
RNY on 01/22/14

Lol, I was nice about it but the last 2 days I have been moving it.  Seriously what the hell, right?  I feel like this is fridge war or something :)  But it's on, and I will win!


on 6/4/15 10:50 am
RNY on 08/11/14

I just might be that way too!! With MY parking spot in the parking lot. I am the first one here so that's not a problem but if I leave for lunch..man I want MY spot when I get back. I park WAY away from the building too so it's not like it is a prime location or anything. There is always room elsewhere so why the need to take that spot :)

RNY 8/11/14 with Dr. Kelvin Higa PS Lipectomy 4/12/17 with Dr. John Burnett HW291.4/CW165/GW150

on 6/4/15 10:37 am - Knightdale, NC
RNY on 03/02/15

I am late posting today! And, hoping melissasue1982 has an easy surgery and recovery... you are going to feel so much better!

I hate it when people sit in my spot... it is so off putting! But, my biggest pet peeve with my husband, and mind you we have been married 30 years (I know), is when he refers to things in the house as his!  Like "his" bedroom, "his' grill... uh, hey buddy, I live here too and more than likely paid for whatever you are referring to as "yours".  Not that I think of things as belonging to me, but we are a unit... the household items are "ours"! 

My menu:

B: Tea and Sugar Leaf

B2: 1 oz beef jerky

L: Big Mac Salad (2 oz hamburger, 1 slice american cheese, little pickle, little lettuce, little thousand island dressing). Had it last night and tolerated the lettuce well. Only had a little so I am gonna stick with that amount but not eat it often.

S: Blackberry pie greek yogurt

D: Chicken salad (2-3 oz chicken, light mayo, no sugar sweet relish, celery seed, dill weed (really adds a good flavor)

S: Protein Hot Chocolate

Totals: Calories - 835, Protein - 73, Carbs - 54 (uh-oh), Sugar - 38, Fat - 38

Vitamins - Started, Exercise - my misfit monitor is suppose to be in the mail today... I now have no more excuses)

Everyone have an amazing day and melissa sue... hoping you are back on top, soon!


Highest weight - 440 lbs, Surgery weight - 395 lbs, Current weight - 291 lbs.

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