6 month post op highs and lows

on 6/3/15 6:22 pm, edited 6/3/15 6:24 pm

I am now 6.5 months out and not sure how I feel about things. I'm thrilled that I had surgery. Zero regrets. I would recommend it to anyone. I have "good" eating days and "bad" but I will say that I'm so much healthier, happier, and 58 pounds lighter than pre-op. Even on my worst "bad" day, it's way better than a "bad" day pre-op. I've eaten all kinds of food and I realize that just because I have doesn't mean I should. I wish things were easier and it was easy to always make right choices. I get almost daily compliments on my weight loss and I tell most people I would be happy even if I didn't lose any more weight. But that's my evil twin talking because I really want to lose 40 more...I just don't believe I can do it. 

I am having a torn rotator cuff fixed next week and I'm praying that jump starts my weight loss again. I'm not really looking forward to another surgery but if it helps my shoulder the way bypass helped my health I'm ready!

Some people on the boards seem to do so well and have it all together. I'm just keeping it real when I say that it is easier AND harder than I ever expected. I know, sounds crazy...I feel crazy!  Ha!  How can I love something so much and not be 100% successful with it? How can I have my insides rearranged yet not stick to plan 100%?  Guess I'm human.

I haven't been great about visiting the boards lately and I can sense that I should. 

If I can give anyone advice I would say just do it, keep at it, and keep going even when you think you've failed. I guess I'm considered a lightweight but I would love to know if anyone else got to the 6 month mark and felt hopeless. 

RNY 11/18/14 5'4" HW: 255 SW: 236 CW: 190.8 GW: 125...although 140 may be more realistic...can't comprehend what's possible!

Pre-op -11.6 lbs, M1 -13.6 lbs, M2 -10 lbs, M3 -6.8 lbs, M4 -7.6 lbs, M5 -3.8, M6 -3.0, and counting!

RNY on 03/11/15

Thanks for sharing. I am only 3 months out and feel like I could have written your post. I feel like a WLS freak because I can't seem to stay under 900 calories a day and even had one bad 1600 calorie day this past weekend. I actually gained a pound for the first time this week instead of losing and am feeling like a failure big time right now as the vets keep posting they only ate 600-800 until they got to goal. I also am struggling with motivation to exercise.


on 6/3/15 6:39 pm

Totally!  I'm not even eating "badly" but that 600-800 calories are so hard. I know I did it before but I am hungry now. I'm not content with a 160 calorie protein drink. It helps to know we aren't alone and there are thousands of people before us that had the same issues. Maybe they're too ashamed to post...I nearly was. Seems like most stories are success ones and I don't know if I'll be a success. Although I've read that most people lose 60-70% of excess weight after surgery. I'm almost there. I just want to be an OH board success!  

RNY 11/18/14 5'4" HW: 255 SW: 236 CW: 190.8 GW: 125...although 140 may be more realistic...can't comprehend what's possible!

Pre-op -11.6 lbs, M1 -13.6 lbs, M2 -10 lbs, M3 -6.8 lbs, M4 -7.6 lbs, M5 -3.8, M6 -3.0, and counting!

on 6/4/15 5:03 am

HI!I am 18 months out.

And I totally hear you about wanting to eat more.

Do you think it is the shake AND carbs?  My surgeons plan wanted us off protein shakes asap because they wouldnt keep us satiated.


I have tried protein shakes again becase they are 1) cold (and it is hot out) 2) fast and 3 portable. I am definately hUNGRY 2 hours after consuming one.  


IN my case, for breakfast, I think part of a steak would be the better option.


Just something to think about. 

Also...like the vets said "Hunger is not an emergency"

I use that mantra a lot when my tummy thinks it is hungry but the calories consumed say something else.


Also, try snacking on veggies like red pepper and cucumber. Limit the amount of dips (i.e. hummus tzaki)

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013; 

Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat

Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !  

on 6/3/15 6:58 pm

You got off to a bumpy start and I remember telling you it would be ok. Congratulations on all you have accomplished. You are doing great!!


"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



on 6/3/15 8:16 pm - Lancaster, PA
RNY on 01/22/15

Just keep plugging away and don't compare your weight loss to others loss. Try to stick to the right foods and the plan. If you feel down about it, reach out for support. I'm finding that tracking my protein and carbs meticulously helps. On a day when I eat more carbs than my plan, I'm definitely hungrier than other days. If you can control your carb intake, that's a huge part of the battle.



on 6/4/15 3:20 am - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

I totally hear you right now ! I am almost 6 months out , and while I think I would say that I have been successful as far as weight loss goes , ( I started Opti on November 25th at 320 and I'm now at 201 ) I did go through a short phase of feeling hopeless . I think when our bodies begin to feel completely normal , which for me was around the 4 mnth mark , we begin to ' test' the waters a little . Maybe get a little ****y here and there . The biggest help for me has been My Fitness Pal . I swore to myself at the beginning , even if it's bad , I wouldn't lie to myself on that . I would record every day no matter what . And it really does help . When you write down those higher calorie numbers or more carbs or whatever  , it brings you up short for sure . And I agree with the poster above , if you begin to dabble in those carbs  , it's a recipe for disaster.  They really truly do leave you wanting more . I had to reign it in a little after I started munching on some of my husband's favorite cereal in the morning . It started off one weekend I was making some for him and I tasted it . It was so yummy that the next morning I made myself a tiny bowl thinking " how can that little amount hurt " then before I know it I'm thinking I can incorporate cereal into my morning , I did begin craving some more ' crunch ' with soups at lunch or whatever. Then I'm looking at My Fitness Pal that week and it was waaay higher than normal ( my normal being like 600/750 cals and 50/60 grams of carbs ) , so cold turkey I went again. It's the only way for me personally. 

You have done so well this far , and you are right , we do have to have to ' keep it real ' but I think we do have to recognize that we may have to be on top of this forever . And if we want to be a long term success , it's always gonna be a battle. But it's one I really want to win , cos I didn't do this just to get off a few pounds and then end up back where I've been after every other diet I've done . Wondering " **** that was a waste of my time , will I ever get this weight off once and for all ?" ! This is my once and for all and I'm gonna do it !! You can too lovey 💟

keep it up , get up after you've fallen , every single time and get right back to it ! Youve got this x 

Jax x


on 6/4/15 3:42 am, edited 6/4/15 11:14 am - MN
RNY on 11/26/12

I still grapple with... "how can I have my insides rearranged yet not stick to the plan 100%?"  When I asked a counselor the same question, her answer matched yours, "being human," to which I quickly retorted, "but I can't afford to be human."  Anyone out there have super-human advice other than prayer?

H.A.L.A B.
on 6/4/15 3:24 pm

i debated with myself to answer your post because I really don't know you or your history.  

but there are some issue that look to me as red flags: "How can I love something so much and not be 100% successful with it? How can I have my insides rearranged yet not stick to plan 100%?  Guess I'm human."

The "I'm human" - sounds to be like an excuse to do as you  doing... 

that way of thinking got be to 250 before RNY, got me to 179... (regain - that I had a very hard time to lose) a year ago...

The first year is supposed to be the most critical..  I see people on here who never get to goal.. and they they start regaining...

Don't be statistic... 



Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

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