When do new size clothes start???

on 6/1/15 8:57 am
RNY on 03/23/15

I weigh myself on Mondays and as of today I'm down a total of 51 pounds since January and 36 pounds since RNY on 3/23 so yay! I'm not buying new clothes because like a lot of us I have quite a few sizes from the last few years. At least shirts wise. Pants not so much, so I did have to break down and buy some cheap capris because my others were falling off my ass.

But my shirts not so much. My stomach isn't really a problem because I had surgery a few years ago that even while fat it makes it appear I have a flat-ish stomach (it was a breast cancer related surgery). But my arms have always been my biggest problem - they are massive and they are not getting any smaller. I've been lifting small weight trying to build some muscle there but so far nothing. If I don't lost weight there it doesn't matter how much weight I lose elsewhere because I'll never fit in small sizes!


HW: 377 SW: 362 CW:131

TOTAL LOSS: 249 pounds

(deactivated member)
on 6/1/15 9:15 am
RNY on 05/04/15

I got far, far more use out of my tops than pants. I used to be a 20-22 in pants and 24-28 in tops, and I was still wearing some 26/28 tops with 18 pants up to a few weeks ago. My problem is also my arms -- I have some smaller clothes from the last time I lost weight that fit again now, but I would never wear them now because my arms are so ridiculously flabby. I've always carried a disproportionate amount of weight in my upper arms. The right one now rolls lengthwise in addition to widthwise (my "second elbow"). I'm just donating those clothes and resigning myself to the fact that I'll need plastics if I ever want to wear a shirt with sleeves shorter than half-length. At least I hear arms are relatively cheap in the plastics world!

on 6/1/15 9:25 am
RNY on 03/23/15

That is literally what I've been thinking lol!! Because I had that surgery previously I don't think I'll need stomach surgery ever but arm surgery is something I think I would need. I just keep thinking that even to get to that point though I won't be able to wear smaller shirts than I am in now which is 22/24 because of my damn arms and I don't even mean because of how they look. I mean because they won't physically fit in the damn things. Ugh!!


HW: 377 SW: 362 CW:131

TOTAL LOSS: 249 pounds

(deactivated member)
on 6/2/15 7:56 am
RNY on 05/04/15

Keep in mind that your arms *will* shrink eventually, just maybe not at the same time as the rest of you. You can aim for styles with loose flowy or stretchy sleeves (I wear a lot of t-shirts, lol). For me, my stomach was the last to start shrinking. I went into surgery 7 lbs away from disqualifying myself but still had a GIANT indentation near one of the incisions. It's still there, but I'm just now starting to shrink around it.

Sharon SW-267
GW-165 CW-167 S.

on 6/5/15 12:07 am - PA
RNY on 12/22/14

It's too soon to predict what your body will look like at/near your goal weight.   Use a good moisturizer all over to prevent additional damage.  I got to my goal weight a few years ago (before WLS) and I could wear elbow length shirts and they looked good (sleeveless and I would need plastics). 

Your weight training is a smart move!  It will pay off.


on 6/1/15 9:30 am

If I don't lost weight there it doesn't matter how much weight I lose elsewhere because I'll never fit in small sizes!

Oh contrary my friend!  I feel you to a point. I have big thighs, always have, even when I was in track, skated, and was thin in highschool.

While my big thighs are hard to fit, certain cuts of jeans (i.e. curvy cut, boot cut, flared leg, relaxed fit) are still a size small. For example, today I am wearing levis 529 curvy cut size 4s.  They fit my narrow waist but have more ease through the thigh.

Now my Rock and Republic skinny cuts are a size 6. They are just one size larger but still a size small.

Also, I lift weights to make my shoulders, arms and back look proportional to my butt and thighs.  I am bigger there too but still wear smalls. You will just have to buy clothes in a jersey fabric (which has some stretch), or do arms with a bat wing or greek cut on them. THey are out there. I just ordered a dress from summer with those grecian cut arms.

Follow your plan and keep working and it will happen for you.

Also, it took a good month or two since I saw the effects of body pump in conjunction with my diet and cardio. So give it some time. I found it really annoying cuz the running tightened my backside up right away but it seemed to take forever to get my arms to "grow".



Hang in there. It will happen.

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013; 

Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat

Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !  

on 6/1/15 11:32 am
RNY on 02/19/15

Also, measure! Are you sure they're the same size? I'm down 64 lbs since surgery but only two inches off the arms. I measure 2-3 times a month. For example, I measured 5/22 and today bc it's the beginning of the month. In that time, I lost 5 lbs but 7 inches. Since one month before surgery, I've lost 77.75 inches...but only 2" off the arms total. It really makes a big difference to me to look at my spreadsheet (yes, I'm one of those people, lol) and see the difference...especially how my butt and waist are the same size, ouch! That explains the need for the special bony butt pillow :)

Height: 6'0" HW 5/2013 295. Consult 7/29/14 275. SW 261. RNY 2/19/15. M1:-33! M2:-13.5. M3:-12. M4:-10.8. M5:-9.7. M6:-5. M7: -4.5. Pregnant 8/15-5/16. 10 weeks post partum: 173.

on 6/1/15 11:45 am
RNY on 03/23/15

I've been measuring my waist but that's it. I haven't wanted to focus on my arms because even though I've always been big my arms have always really depressed me. But it's probably a good idea.

I'm really laughing at the idea of you with the spreadsheet for all of that. And omg I'm sitting on a regular pillow right now and my ass is killing me. I've only lost 51 pounds, how am I going to handle when I lose more weight?? Does this last??

on 6/1/15 11:58 am
RNY on 02/19/15

I got the pillow after the first six weeks. I was only down 30 lbs but had been mostly stuck sitting up in bed for a couple weeks during that first month, so even had a bit of pressure sore at the tailbone. I'm only three months out but I've heard some say it evens out after 8+ months. I think we have to learn to sit differently...my poor butt has 5" less padding (and wasn't huge to begin with) and so need to float the tailbone if I don't want to sit on it. Here's the pillow I got and am sitting on right now! 

Height: 6'0" HW 5/2013 295. Consult 7/29/14 275. SW 261. RNY 2/19/15. M1:-33! M2:-13.5. M3:-12. M4:-10.8. M5:-9.7. M6:-5. M7: -4.5. Pregnant 8/15-5/16. 10 weeks post partum: 173.

on 6/1/15 12:42 pm
RNY on 03/23/15

Ooh thanks for the link - I've been wondering if I needed a new office chair but assumed it was the weight loss since it coincided with that. Definitely going to order!

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